[Mozilla] Fwd: Multilocale desktop builds of B2G!

Toni Hermoso Pulido toniher a softcatala.cat
dis des 29 12:16:23 CET 2012

Instruccions per provar el Gaia (B2G) al vostre ordinador i en catalĂ :

-------- Missatge original --------

Happy end of the year, localizers of Gaia and B2G!

Gecko has branched off of version 18 and we're using it as a stable base
for the desktop builds.  Combine this with the fact that we have the
proper infrastructure in place to build fully localized desktop builds
of B2G, and voilĂ !  We now have working, fully-localizable desktop
builds of B2G available in almost 50 locales!

Download them from here:


You should get one of the b2g-18.0.multi.*-localizer.* builds.

      b2g-18.0.multi.linux-i686-localizer.tar.bz2 (Linux 32-bit)
      b2g-18.0.multi.linux-x86_64-localizer.tar.bz2 (Linux 64-bit)
      b2g-18.0.multi.mac64-localizer.dmg (Mac OS X 64-bit)
      b2g-18.0.multi.win32-localizer.zip (Windows 32-bit)

Here's what each part of the filename means:

   - b2g-18.0 is the Gecko branch; we now moved away from
central/aurora/beta and created a separate branch of Gecko just for B2G,

   -  multi denotes a multilocale Gecko build; netError.dtd and
appstring.properties will be localized; you can test this by opening the
browser app in Gaia and trying to access a non-existing page; the
"Server not found" error page should be localized,

    - next up is the platform, pretty self-explanatory,

    - localizer denotes a multilocale Gaia build, i.e. a build which has
all locales enabled in it; see languages-all.json for the list.

If you find localizability issues, file them in the Boot2Gecko product
and add the 'l12y' keyword.

Happy testing!


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