[Mozilla] proves de firefox home app

Eduard Gamonal xadap2004 a gmail.com
div ago 27 13:20:21 CEST 2010

nois, si algú vol provar les traduccions que hem anat fent, en aquest bug
expliquen com connectar-se a una màquina virtual amb el sistema de l'iphone


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Seth Bindernagel <sethb a mozilla.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 00:55
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Firefox Home Code Freeze, Tuesday, August 24, 12:00 PDT
(UTC -7)
To: dev-l10n <dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org>
Cc: Dan Walkowski <dwalkowski a mozilla.com>, Ragavan Srinivasan <
ragavan a mozilla.com>

Hi Everyone,

Firefox Home will code freeze on Tuesday, August 24 at 12:00 PDT (UTC -7).

Please try to have all of the bugs filed against your locale for Firefox
Home closed by then.  Here is the main tracking bug for your reference.


We plan to submit 15 locales to the Apple Store on Wednesday, August 25 at
09:00 PDT.


dev-l10n mailing list
dev-l10n a lists.mozilla.org
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