[Mozilla] Fwd: [Activemembers] Who are the women contributors in your teams?

Joaquim Perez noguer a gmail.com
dim abr 6 11:13:55 CEST 2010

Hola he rebut un correu de Mozilla Woman preguntant quantes noies hi ha al
nostre equip, si ho veieu bé comentaré que hi tenim l'Alina, la Diana i
l'Eli si hi esteu d'acord.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Delphine L <lebedel.delphine a gmail.com>
Date: 2010/3/31
Subject: [Activemembers] Who are the women contributors in your teams?
To: activemembers a lists.mozilla-europe.org

Hello all,

Currently in the Women & Mozilla project (www.womoz.org/) we are holding
internal actions in order to determine as precisely as possible who are the
women contributors in Mozilla. And to do this, we would need your help :)

As you know there are very few women in FLOSS and we would like to get a
better idea and overview concerning Mozilla in particular. We know we are
few women in Mozilla too, but we have no numbers, no stats, nothing.

So if you could help us out a little bit with this, it would be *extremely*
helpful. :)

Here is what we are trying to find out:

* Are there any women contributors in your teams?
* If so, how many and who are they?
* In what field(s) do they contribute in? (in case you know they contribute
in something else than localization)
* Are they willing that we (=womoz) contact them?

We hope that this can be a way to initiate a broader internal movement, and
a way to gather valuable feedback for improving women's visibility and
attracting more women contributors in Mozilla and FLOSS.

An enormous thanks in advance for all your help!


Delphine and the entire WoMoz Team!

Activemembers mailing list
Activemembers a lists.mozilla-europe.org
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