[Navegador] about:mozilla

Toni Hermoso Pulido toniher a softcatala.org
diu gen 13 18:00:46 CET 2008

Nova versió del text de l'about:mozilla per a Gecko 1.9.

Algú s'anima a fer-ne una traducció? ;)

'Mammon slept. And the <em>beast reborn</em> spread over the earth and
its numbers
grew legion. And they proclaimed the times and <em>sacrificed</em>
crops unto the
fire, with the <em>cunning of foxes</em>. And they built a new world
in their own
image as promised by the <em><a
href="http://www.mozilla.org/about/mozilla-manifesto.html"> sacred
words</a></em>, and <em><a
href="http://wiki.mozilla.org/About:mozilla">spoke</a></em> of the
beast with their children. Mammon awoke, and lo! it was<em>naught</em>
but a follower.'>

Per al Flock és:

'And when the Beast had taken the quarter of the <em class="f">E</em>arth
under its rule, a quarter hundred <em>Birds</em> of Sulfur flew from the
Depths. The birds crossed hundreds of mountain views and found twenty four
wise men who came from the <em>stars</em>. And <em>then</em> it began,
the believers dared to <em>listen</em>. Then, they took their pens and dared
to <em>create</em>. Finally, they dared to <em>share</em> their deed with
the whole of mankind. Spreading words of <em>freedom</em> and breaking the
chains, the birds brought deliverance to everyone.'>

I vaig traduir ràpidament a (obert per a millores per a properes versions):

"En fer-se seua la Bestia un quart de la <em class='f'>T</em>erra
, un quart de centenars d'<em>Ocells</em> de Sulfur s'enlairaren des de
les Profunditats. En el viatge, les aus contemplaren centenars de
muntanyes i trobaren vint-i-quatre
savis que havien arribat de les <em>estrelles</em>. I <em>llavors</em> s'inicià,
els creients gosaren <em>escoltar</em>. Prengueren llurs plomes i s'atreviren a
<em>crear</em>. Finalment, resolgueren <em>compartir</em> llur obra
amb tota la humanitat. Escampant paraules de <em>llibertat</em> i trencant les
cadenes, els ocells portaren l'alleujament a tothom.">

Toni Hermoso Pulido

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