[Navegador] Fwd: Flock 1.0 localization status

Toni Hermoso Pulido toniher a softcatala.org
diu nov 25 00:12:53 CET 2007

Primeres versions de prova del Flock 1.0 en català ;)

Cal revisar força la traducció en la mateixa interfície.
He actualitzat el wiki des d'on poder baixar els binaris.

Com sempre, tota ajuda serà molt agraïda!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Zbigniew Braniecki <gandalf a flock.com>
Date: 23/11/2007 20:10
Subject: Flock 1.0 localization status
To: flock-l10n <flock-l10n a flock.com>

Hi all!

I'm writing to get you a short update on what's the status of Flock 1.0

We have four stages on the road to the release:
1) Localization
2) Tinderbox (an automated build of given locale)
3) Quality Assurance (a process of verifying that the quality of the
product is high)
4) Release

I bundled a matrix of data about our localizations:

If you cannot download Flock 1.0 with your locale from
http://tinderbox.flock.com/builds/falcon_locale/ it means that we lack
tinderbox for this locale. Report to me!
If you have a build, do a QA and change the "no" to "yes" once you're happy.

The last step is the release.

We'll be working on adding a script to detect the default language of
the incoming user and propose him Flock in his language.
It means more exposure for Flock l10n but it also means more
responsibility for quality of our localizations :)

For those of localizers who did not finish 1.0 L10n, please, let me know
when your localization is going to be ready.
For those who did, please do a QA or report me if you don't have tinderbox.

For those who are ready, update your line in the Falcon status on the
Wiki and wait until we have a first bunch of localizations :)

I would also like to thank to localizers who're sending me bug reports
related to L10n (text doesn't fit the window area or is hardcoded). The
list of currently planned fixes for Flock 1.1 are:

If you need any help or support, let me know!

Once more, please, email me your status regarding Flock 1.0 localization
if your status is not green yet

Zbigniew Braniecki

Flock (http://www.flock.com)

Toni Hermoso Pulido

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