[OpenOffice] funcions que no són a la llista

Sílvia Miranda silvia a softcatala.cat
dll maig 26 13:00:55 CEST 2008


> Vigila perquè ara mateix al wiki hi ha:

Ho he demanat a la llista de correu d'usuaris de l'OpenOffice i m'han
contestat això:

> The help file gives 
> deg(x)
> as the syntax, while as an example it offers
> degrees(x)
> Experimentation shows the 'degrees()' format to work, while 'deg()' 
> gives an error (OOo 2.4/XP). Presumably the help file is incorrect.

I això:

> In the English version of OpenOffice Calc that I use, the DEGREES() 
> function exists, but there is no DEG() function.  But I think the 
> built-in function names depend on the localization of the product, so 
> they will be different in different language versions - and I cannot 
> say anything about the version you may have.

Per tant, dedueixo que és un error de la cadena original. He suprimit 
la funció "DEG" del wiki (ja que no existeix) i he traduït "DEG" com a "GRAUS".


sílvia miranda

Bloc: http://silvia.badall.net

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