[GNOME] Dubtes [Gimp]

Jordi Serratosa jordis.lists a gmail.com
dic feb 12 10:54:36 CET 2014

Quant a 'amount', jo l'eliminaria completament de la traducció. No és

jordi s
El dia 11/02/2014 18.10, "Eulˆlia Pag s Morales" <eulaliapages a gmail.com>
va escriure:

>  Hola a tothom,
> *Don't support*, es tradueix per *no és compatible o no admet *? quin és
> més habitual?
>  The Eraser is used to remove areas of color from the current layer or
> from a selection of this layer. If the Eraser is used on something that *does
> not support transparency *(a selection mask channel, a layer mask, or the
> Background layer if it lacks an alpha channel), then erasing will show the
> background color, as displayed in the Color Area of the Toolbox (in case of
> a mask, the selection will be modified).
> No sé com traduir The *amount* of Rate, si el rate es refereix a la
> velocitat se'm fa molt estrany traduir-ho com a "quantitat" de velocitat.
> Potser seria alguna paraula com *nivell* però tampoc em convenç
> The actions of these tools are more or less quick.* The amount of Rate*depends on the setting of the Rate slider in the Tool Options dialog.
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