[GNOME] SOS: Actualització de Programari (gpk-update-viewer)

Robert Antoni robert.buj a gmail.com
dij set 6 21:58:37 CEST 2012

> Gràcies per avisar, no ho titllaria de SOS, però vaja, tota alerta és
> bona :)
> Ho apunto a [1] perquè qui ho tradueixi (tu mateix potser? ;) ho tingui
> en compte.
> Salut i bones traduccions!!
> [1] http://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/gnome-packagekit/master/po/ca

OK, acabo d'enviar la correcció, diff:


FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch
AKA: Robert Buj

University master's degree programme in Information Technology Security,
UOC (present)
University master's degree programme in Computer Engineering, UOC (present)
University master's degree programme in Free Software, UOC (present)
Postgraduate Master's degree in Microsoft .NET Solutions, UOC
Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite, Celoxica Ltd.
Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze, UAM
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UOC/UDL/URJC
Advanced-level training cycle in computer software engineering, Les Heures
- Technical academy
English course, The school of languages, UOC (present)

ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font!
de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode
en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source
es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente!

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