[GNOME] temps per acabar el GIMP 2.8

Pau Iranzo paulists a gmail.com
dll des 5 18:53:51 CET 2011

Què resta per acabar?

El 5 de desembre de 2011 18:00, Konfrare Albert <
lakonfrariadelavila a gmail.com> ha escrit:

> Ok!
> Com ens organitzem?
> Salut
> El 5 de desembre de 2011 12:15, Joaquim Perez <noguer a gmail.com> ha
> escrit:
> Els desenvolupadors del gimp ens avisen que ells ja han acabat la
>> feina i que ja no faran més canvis.
>> Per tant ara és l´hora de fer els últims canvis a les traduccions
>> Quim
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine a gmail.com>
>> Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 00:10:17 +0400
>> Subject: Strings freeze for GIMP 2.8
>> To: gnome-i18n a gnome.org
>> Hi,
>> We seem to have fixed the last i18n issues in GIMP 2.7, hence strings
>> freeze for 2.8 is on. That means no more changes to user visible
>> messages. Translators should feel safe to catch up on what's changed
>> since the last time they updated the respective PO files.
>> If you won't be in time with updates for 2.8, this isn't a big deal,
>> because updates can go to 2.8.1 etc.
>> Alexandre Prokoudine
>> http://libregraphicsworld.org
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