[GNOME] [Fwd: TARBALLS DUE: GNOME 2.25.90 beta + UI is frozen]
jodufi a gmail.com
Div Gen 30 15:01:31 CET 2009
Si es puja tota la documentació, em sembla que arribem al 60% :)
El 30 / gener / 2009 11:20, Gil Forcada <gforcada a gnome.org> ha escrit:
> Bones,
> La part important aquí es que ara els mòduls oficials del GNOME 2.26 en
> principi haurien de patir pocs canvis :)
> Així que tenim 1 mes i 20 dies més o menys (surt al 18 de Març) per
> acabar la traducció del GNOME, arribar al 50% de la documentació (sí,
> falta que en pugi molta) i fer tots els extres, infraestructura i
> d'oficina que puguem :)
> Salut!
> --
> gil forcada
> [ca] guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
> [en] guifi.net - a non-stopping free network
> bloc: http://gil.badall.net
> ---------- Missatge reenviat ----------
> From: Frederic Peters <fpeters a gnome.org>
> To: devel-announce-list a gnome.org
> Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 10:54:22 +0100
> Subject: TARBALLS DUE: GNOME 2.25.90 beta + UI is frozen
> Hello all!
> Tarballs are due on 2009-02-02 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME 2.25.90
> beta release, which will be delivered on Wednesday. Modules which were
> proposed for inclusion should try to follow the unstable schedule so
> everyone can test them. Please make sure that your tarballs will be
> uploaded before Monday 23:59 UTC: tarballs uploaded later than that will
> probably be too late to get in 2.25.90. If you are not able to make a
> tarball before this deadline or if you think you'll be late, please send
> a mail to the release team and we'll find someone to roll the tarball
> for you!
> Also we enter UI freeze on February 2nd, no UI changes may be made at
> all without confirmation from the release team and notification to the
> documentation team (gnome-doc-list@). And don't forget we have been in
> the String Change Announcement Period for two weeks already, all string
> changes must be announced to translation and documentation teams
> (gnome-i18n@ and gnome-doc-list@).
> This will be the first beta release, and it will be used to start
> writing the release notes, those are important, they help the press
> people make nice and correct articles about the great changes done
> during this cycle, so have a look at http://live.gnome.org/RoadMap and
> make sure your module roadmap page on live.gnome.org is up to date.
> For more information about 2.25, the full schedule, the official
> module lists and the proposed module lists, please see our colorful 2.25
> page:
> http://www.gnome.org/start/unstable
> For a quick overview of the GNOME schedule, please see:
> http://live.gnome.org/Schedule
> See you next week at FOSDEM!
> Frederic
> --
> devel-announce-list mailing list
> devel-announce-list a gnome.org
> http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/devel-announce-list
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> GNOME mailing list
> GNOME a llistes.softcatala.org
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