[GNOME] Re: [Fwd: GIMP 2.6 released]
Joaquim Perez
noguer a gmail.com
dic oct 1 18:27:42 CEST 2008
Si me n'ocupo però ja hi tornem a ser, aquesta gent del GIMP no avisen mai,
fan les versions com els dóna la gana. I després a córrer.
El 1 / octubre / 2008 01:50, Gil Forcada <gforcada a gnome.org> ha escrit:
> Bones,
> Nova versió del GIMP!
> Faran una versió 2.6.1 aviat per poder tenir les traduccions encara més
> completades.
> Pel que respecte a nosaltres, hi ha ben poc a fer :) (ho faràs Quim?)
> P.D. ara demano per quan està pensada la 2.6.1
> Salut!
> --
> gil forcada
> [ca] guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
> [en] guifi.net - a non-stopping free network
> bloc: http://gil.badall.net
> ---------- Missatge reenviat ----------
> From: Sven Neumann <sven a gimp.org>
> To: gnome-i18n a gnome.org
> Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2008 00:27:49 +0200
> Subject: GIMP 2.6 released
> Hi,
> we just released GIMP 2.6.0 from trunk. I want to let you know that we
> will be doing a 2.6.1 maintainance release from trunk before we create a
> branch for further GIMP 2.6 releases. You are welcome to commit your
> translation updates to trunk so that we can release 2.6.1 with even more
> complete translations.
> I'll send you another mail as soon as the gimp-2-6 branch has been
> created. The gimp-2-4 branch can be considered dead now. We don't plan
> on doing another release from that branch.
> Thanks a lot for your help translating GIMP. It is very much
> appreciated.
> Sven
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