[Corrector] Fwd: ANN: LanguageTool 3.5

Jaume Ortolà i Font jaumeortola a gmail.com
div set 30 14:43:38 CEST 2016

2016-09-30 14:26 GMT+02:00 Pau Sellés i Garcia <pau.selles a josoc.cat>:

> Jaume, continua necessitan Java?

Sí, requereix Java 8. I per a Mac, a més, s'ha de tindre en compte això:

*For Mac users:* LanguageTool requires Java 8 or later, which is available
for the Mac only as a 64 bit version. You need *the 64-bit version of
LibreOffice 4.2 or later* in order to use LanguageTool on a Mac *and
you also need to have 'Java for OS X <http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1572>'
installed*, additionally to Java 8 (Source: #74877


Jaume Ortolà

> El viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016, Jaume Ortolà i Font <
> jaumeortola a gmail.com> escribió:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Daniel Naber <daniel.naber a languagetool.org>
>> Date: 2016-09-30 14:00 GMT+02:00
>> Subject: ANN: LanguageTool 3.5
>> To: LanguageTool Developer List <languagetool-devel a lists.sourceforge.net
>> >
>> Hi,
>> LanguageTool 3.5 has been released and is available at
>> https://languagetool.org. Changes include:
>> * New rules and rule improvements for Catalan, English, Esperanto,
>> French, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian
>> * Update of the English (GB) spell dictionary
>> * Speed-ups for the standalone version when checking long texts
>> * Bug fixes
>> A more detailed list of changes is available at
>> https://languagetool.org/download/CHANGES.md
>> Check sums:
>> f6984ce87fa6564394e232201db7e167066c36371335a4e337d7b28b574917c1
>> LanguageTool-3.5.oxt
>> 643029da89041ccfb48772deaf0dd0e16942de2d381c5dc8ae9372f1b043bcab
>> LanguageTool-3.5.zip
>> Regards
>>   Daniel
> --
> Enviat des de l'iPhone de Pau.
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