[Corrector] Fwd: [LanguageTool Forum] ANN: LanguageTool 3.6

Jaume Ortolà i Font jaumeortola a gmail.com
div des 30 11:03:25 CET 2016

Ja està disponible la versió 3.6 de LanguageTool.

Bon any nou!

Jaume Ortolà

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Naber <daniel.naber a languagetool.org>
Date: 2016-12-28 18:44 GMT+01:00
Subject: [LanguageTool Forum] ANN: LanguageTool 3.6
To: jaumeortola a gmail.com

dnaber <http://forum.languagetool.org/users/dnaber> Daniel Naber
December 28


LanguageTool 3.6 has been released and is available for download at
https://languagetool.org. Changes include:

   - Major updates and improvements for Portuguese
   - Error detection rule updates and improvements for Breton, Catalan,
   English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian
   - The command-line version has a new option --json, replacing the
   deprecated --api option
   - Some cleanups in the Java API

A more detailed list of changes is available in the change log

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