[Corrector] Fwd: ANN: LanguageTool 3.1

Jaume Ortolà i Font jaumeortola a gmail.com
dim set 29 11:29:22 CEST 2015

Ja està disponible la versió 3.1 de LanguageTool. Podeu començar a usar-la
i difondre-la.

(Encara que la nota no ho diga, també hi ha hagut millores en català).

Jaume Ortolà

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Naber <daniel.naber a languagetool.org>
Date: 2015-09-28 14:04 GMT+02:00
Subject: ANN: LanguageTool 3.1
To: LanguageTool Developer List <languagetool-devel a lists.sourceforge.net>

I'm pleased to announce the release of LanguageTool 3.1. As usual, it is
available for download at https://www.languagetool.org.

Changes include:
* Many updates for the error detection rules for English, French,
German, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Ukrainian
* Bug fixes
* Java API: removed deprecated methods; cleanups

Please see http://www.languagetool.org/download/CHANGES.md for a
complete list of changes.

If the update from the extension manager in LibreOffice/OpenOffice fails
for you, please uninstall the old version, restart, and then install the
new version.

SHA256 checksums:


Languagetool-devel mailing list
Languagetool-devel a lists.sourceforge.net
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