[Admpub] Anunci: CLAM 1.2 "amb el summer-of-code endollat"

Pau Arumí parumi a iua.upf.edu
div feb 8 13:10:42 CET 2008

perdoneu el possible offtopic, però penso que a la llista hi ha gent
interessada amb les novetats del projecte CLAM (el framework d'àudio i
música, desenvolupat, principalment, a casa nostra).

Feia temps que no publicavem una versió oficial. De fet és la primera
que incorpora totes les aportacions dels estudiants del Google Summer of
Code (GSoC). Tot i així, el repositori no ha parat quiet ni un moment,
de forma que hi ha molta teca acumulada. Les principals novetats estan
relacionades amb els plugins i el GSoC , d'aquí el títl de la release.

A continuació l'anunci. Perdoneu que no el tradueixi, és una mica



We are jubilous to announce CLAM 1.2 'GSoCket plugged-in release'.
We had to wait for some months to make this release as we had to 
redeploy the multiplatform release infrastructure [1]. Thus, the 
feature buffer for this release is pretty full. It incorporates both, 
the results of the Summer of Code [2] students work and of Pau 
and David being involved with Barcelona Media Foundation Audio 
Research Lab[3].

We want to thank the involvement of GSoC students Hernan Hordiales[4],
Bennet Kolasinsky[5], Greg Kellum[6], Andreas Calvo, Roman Goj[7] and
Abe Kazemzadeh, Google Inc, and Barcelona Media audio lab members
for their precious involvement in CLAM.

[1] http://clam.iua.upf.edu/testfarm/
[2] http://clam.iua.upf.edu/wikis/clam/index.php/GSoC_2007
[3] http://www.barcelonamedia.org/index.php/linies/10/en
[4] http://h.ordia.com.ar
[5] http://bennettdoesclam.blogspot.com
[6] http://gregkellum.com
[7] http://ro-baczek.blogspot.com

A summarized list of changes follows. See also the CHANGES files[8] 
for details, or the development screenshots[9] for a visual guided tour.
As usual binary packages for Windows, MacOSX and several flavors of
are available to download.

[8] http://iua-share.upf.edu/svn/clam/trunk/CLAM/CHANGES
[9] http://clam.iua.upf.edu/wikis/clam/index.php/Development_screenshots

Summary of changes:

The most exciting feature is the new plugin system (acalvo)
which enables third party algorithms to be distributed separately
from the core binaries. LADSPA plugins support has been enhanced 
and a first iteration on FAUST[10] integration. The wiki[11] contains 
very nice how-to's that cover most of that.

[10] http://faust.grame.fr/
[11] http://clam.iua.upf.edu/wikis/clam

Most of the GSoC work come as plugins: a SMS Synthesizer (gkellum), 
a Voice synthesis/analysis (akazem) and some some cool guitar effects 
(hordia). Also not included as plugins but in the main repository 
several enhancements have been done on the SMS transformations (hordia)
and the tonal analysis (rgoj).

Some interesting work[12] has been done on the Barcelona Media Audio Lab
on having a system to simulate 3D room acoustics which can be
on several exhibition systems. Some precomputed room databases are 
available to try. Check the wiki NetworkEditor Tutorial for more 

[12] http://parumi.wordpress.com/2008/01/25/3d-audio-and-clam/

Regarding the applications, Network Editor incorporates new usability 
enhancements, a new on-line Tutorial and a new Spectrogram like view.
The Annotator received Bennet Kolasinsky attention improving its the 
flexibility of its interface, the practical effects are multiple 
segmentation and low-level descriptors panes and that we are pretty 
close to visualization and auralization plugins.

The CLAM Team

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