[Admpub] Rv: [opensuse-announce] openSUSE 10.3 Alpha4 released

Jordi Massaguer jordimassaguerpla a yahoo.es
dic maig 16 18:27:59 CEST 2007

Instlux ja no només está al roadmap sinó que ja forma part de la distro. L'alpha4 ja port l'instlux incorporat!!



----- Mensaje reenviado ----
De: Adrian Schröter <adrian a suse.de>
Para: opensuse-announce a opensuse.org
Enviado: miércoles, 16 de mayo, 2007 16:30:18
Asunto: [opensuse-announce] openSUSE 10.3 Alpha4 released

I'm glad to announce the forth public alpha release of openSUSE 10.3.
Important Changes Since Alpha3

The following are some highlights of Alpha4 compared to Alpha3:

* Inclusion of YaST Meta Packages handler
* InstLux allows users to start the Linux installation from Windows
* We have removed zmd from the distribution and concentrate now on the
  tools opensuse-updater and zypper.
* TeX Live replaces teTex
* First parts of KDE4svn entered Factory, its games are installed
* OpenOffice.org 2.2
* GNOME 2.18.1
* Improvements to our init script starter startpar to reduce boottime
* First changes to support Sony PS3.  The PowerPC installation media
  do not yet support the installation on PS3, this is planned for
* Linux 2.6.21 with an updated AppArmor patchset
* Reduced size and cleaned up dependencies of some packages
* Initial support for installation in Afrikaans, Gurajati, Hindi,
  Marathi, Tamil, Xhosa, Zulu.  (for complete list of languages and
  how to participate in translation see
  http://i18n.opensuse.org/stats/trunk/index.php )

A more detailed list of changes is available via
http://en.opensuse.org/Factory/News .

Most Annoying Bugs
So far the following critical bugs have been found, please read before
you install:

* No online update offered during installation (Bug 270919)
* No NIS offered during installation (Bug 270899) 

The list of annoying bugs is found here as well, please update it if
you find more:


Call for Testing

* libata for IDE devices

   We're using the libata stack now also for IDE controllers.  Please
   do test that an update works and all files are changed
   automatically (libata uses /dev/sda for the first harddisk instead
   of /dev/hda).  Disks with more than 15 partitions are not handled
   right now, we're still evaluating whether there is a good solution.
   to use the old scheme, boot with "hwprobe=-modules.pata".

* Instlux

  Please test InstLux, to start a Linux installation under Windows.
  Thanks a lot for Jordi for his great work!

* OpenOffice.Org 2.2

  Please test the new versions

Media and Download

openSUSE 10.3 Alpha4 for i386, x86-64 and ppc comes as different media
* 6 CDs (CD 6 was needed due to the increase space of TeXLive)
* 1 AddOn CD with only NonOSS packages on it
* 1 AddOn CD with language packages that are used for extra
  languages (the 6 CDs contain support for english, french, italian, spanish,
  german, chinese, japanese, czech, danish, norwegian, khmer,
  hungarian, polish) (the 6 CDs have support for installation in all
  languages, just extra packages are only on this extra media)
* 1 DVD containing the contents of the 6 CDs and the NonOSS AddOn CD
* CDs/DVDs containing the sources corresponding to the media

We have created Delta ISOs from openSUSE 10.3 Alpha3.  Please use them
for download.

The DVDs and the source media are only available via bittorrent.

Please report all bugs you find on in our bugzilla as explained in
http://bugs.opensuse.org, discussion is most appropriate on the
opensuse-factory a opensuse.org mailing list.

To download media, please use the links provided at:

The next Alpha is planned for Thu, June 14.


Adrian Schroeter
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
email: adrian a suse.de

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