Bona nit, s'ha fet arribar aquest correu a la llista de governance per avisar de la publicació de http://www.mozilla.cat/2017/10/05/catalan-referendum-net-neutrality-and-span... recordeu que la llista és oberta i us hi podeu subscriure des de https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo una abraçada! ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Eduard Gamonal <egamonal@softcatala.cat> Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 11:18 PM Subject: Censorship and net neutrality in Spain To: governance@lists.mozilla.org Dear colleagues of Mozilla, This is probably my first message in the governance list after almost 10 years in the l10n teams. In the view of recent events, the Catalan community wants to condemn actions taken by the Spanish government, which have affected fundamental rights, including digital rights. We have made a summary in the community website: http://www.mozilla.cat/2017/10/05/catalan-referendum-net-neutrality-and-span... Other organizations have already adopted publicly a position against censorship, like the Electronic Frontier Foundation. #keepiton ;) big hug! Edu
participants (1)
Eduard Gamonal