Fwd: Multilocale desktop builds of B2G!

Instruccions per provar el Gaia (B2G) al vostre ordinador i en català: -------- Missatge original -------- Happy end of the year, localizers of Gaia and B2G! Gecko has branched off of version 18 and we're using it as a stable base for the desktop builds. Combine this with the fact that we have the proper infrastructure in place to build fully localized desktop builds of B2G, and voilà! We now have working, fully-localizable desktop builds of B2G available in almost 50 locales! Download them from here: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/b2g/nightly/latest-mozilla-b2g18/ You should get one of the b2g-18.0.multi.*-localizer.* builds. b2g-18.0.multi.linux-i686-localizer.tar.bz2 (Linux 32-bit) b2g-18.0.multi.linux-x86_64-localizer.tar.bz2 (Linux 64-bit) b2g-18.0.multi.mac64-localizer.dmg (Mac OS X 64-bit) b2g-18.0.multi.win32-localizer.zip (Windows 32-bit) Here's what each part of the filename means: - b2g-18.0 is the Gecko branch; we now moved away from central/aurora/beta and created a separate branch of Gecko just for B2G, - multi denotes a multilocale Gecko build; netError.dtd and appstring.properties will be localized; you can test this by opening the browser app in Gaia and trying to access a non-existing page; the "Server not found" error page should be localized, - next up is the platform, pretty self-explanatory, - localizer denotes a multilocale Gaia build, i.e. a build which has all locales enabled in it; see languages-all.json for the list. If you find localizability issues, file them in the Boot2Gecko product and add the 'l12y' keyword. Happy testing! -stas
participants (1)
Toni Hermoso Pulido