Fwd: Firefox OS 1.4 branched - 1.4 l10n stays the same

Hola, he actualitzat el Pootle del Gaia amb unes poques cadenes http://pootle.softcatala.org/projects/gaia/ En pic ho tinguem completat de nou ja ho pujaré a: http://hg.mozilla.org/gaia-l10n/ca/ Salut, -------- Missatge original -------- Hi, first of all, I'd love to get feedback. I'm sending posts about Firefox OS on a regular basis, but I don't see them making an impact on the translation state. Feedback? Send that my way. Anywho. The gaia code branched for 1.4 this Monday. For you guys, it means that all the developers want to work on 1.5, and stop changing strings on 1.4. That's not string freeze, that's March 28. But it's close. We need to see traction in /gaia-l10n/*. Like, I'm freakin out because I don't see traction. Picture Monty Python's dead parrot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vuW6tQ0218 /gaia-l10n/ tracks 1.4, and the l10n work there is going to both the 1.4 and master builds. We'll start tackling 1.5 as soon as that story evolves. Get on the localization, and land it in our repo.
participants (1)
Toni Hermoso Pulido