Fwd: [l10n-web] Adding local community information to Contact page on mozilla.org

ens demanen emplenar aquest etherpad. proposo discutir els continguts primer per aquesta llista. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Axel Hecht <l10n@mozilla.com> Date: Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 12:55 PM Subject: Re: [l10n-web] Adding local community information to Contact page on mozilla.org To: dev-l10n-web@lists.mozilla.org FYI On 10/16/13 11:08 PM, davidweldonboswell@gmail.com wrote:
The Contact page on www.mozilla.org is getting redesigned and it will now include information about local communities around the world.
There will be a lot of space to feature relevant content from different communities, including pictures, links, logos, etc.
The design team set up an etherpad where people from different communities can add information. Please check this out and add content for your local community.
The categories listed there are just a starting point -- if there's other types of information you think is relevant, feel free to add it.
Thanks, David
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