Fwd: Firefox Home 1.1 Localizations

Hola gent, hi ha una actualització del Firefox Home 1.1 (l'aplicació de Mozilla per a dispositius iPhone). Si algú s'hi anima, només cal que tradueixi des d'aquí: https://localize.mozilla.org/ca/fxhome/ Avís: * cal tenir present que estem treballant sobre un mòbil * emprem Sync com a nom propi en comptes de referir-nos al concepte (sincronització). Que no ajuda massa per l'espai tampoc. Salut, -------- Missatge original -------- Assumpte: Firefox Home 1.1 Localizations Data: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 09:38:10 -0500 De: Stefan Arentz <stefan@arentz.ca> A: dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org Hi Everybody, We have reached a point where Firefox Home 1.1 is ready for localization. The big new thing in 1.1 is the same new 'easy' setup as we will get in the upcoming Fennec release. This has introduced a small number of new screens and strings. Here are screenshots of the screens that are new or have changed: 1) http://stefan.arentz.ca/stuff/grabs/3df04f44bc3da0fb37daeadb27908748.png This is the Connect to Sync screen. It is a new screen. 2) http://stefan.arentz.ca/stuff/grabs/3c854f09514e01a4d86474742ef9da51.png This is the manual setup screen. All of these options were previously in the global Settings application. 3) http://stefan.arentz.ca/stuff/grabs/1f511c70046a6572e38a72a49289ed57.png This is a new error dialog that is shown when the setup fails. I have created/modified the following files on Verbatim: EasySetupViewController.xib.strings.po ManualSetupViewController.xib.strings.po Localizable.strings.po I know you are all very busy but if possible we would like to submit Firefox Home to the App Store next week. I will be following this list if there are questions but you can also email me directly at stefan@arentz.ca or file a bug in bugzilla and assign it to me.
participants (1)
Toni Hermoso Pulido