Fwd: [l10n-web] [ANNOUNCE] Localizing Get Personas (with Verbatim!)

Si algú vol encarregar-se'n, hi ha 8 000 (vuit mil) paraules a getpersonas.com per traduir. 8000 paraules són aproximadament 50h, potser, i coincideix amb la nova versió de thunderbird, firefox 3.6 i fennec. Edu Eduard Gamonal ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Seth Bindernagel <sethb@mozilla.com> Date: Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 9:17 PM Subject: [l10n-web] [ANNOUNCE] Localizing Get Personas (with Verbatim!) To: Mozilla projects web content localization <dev-l10n-web@lists.mozilla.org> Cc: Frederic Wenzel <fwenzel@mozilla.com>, Zbigniew Braniecki <gandalf@mozilla.com> Dear Web-l10n Localizers: The time to localize the Get Personas Website is now here. Because the basic functionality of the original Get Personas extension is now a part of Firefox 3.6, *ALL* users will now be able to experience the fun and magic of Personas. As you know the First Run and What's New pages will feature Personas for end-users to try in Firefox 3.6. Those pages will then direct people to the Get Personas website at http://www.getpersonas.com. To help with the localization, we have launched Verbatim and loaded Get Personas (along with AMO and SUMO) as a projects for everyone to localize. Verbatim can be found at https://localize.mozilla.org/ Please keep in mind, you do not have to use Verbatim to localize the site. It is a tool for you and your community to use, but is not mandatory. If you are interested in using it, here are a couple of notes to keep in mind: 1. The site is LDAP enabled so use your LDAP username and password to login. 2. Email us when you log in for the first time and we will give you ownership over your locale. 3. We have 48 languages and will work on the remaining ~30. If you don't see your locale, please email us and we will work on getting it. 1. *To add your locale, we will need to know your plural form for your language*. You will need to tell us this. For reference, see this page: http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/l10n/pluralforms 4. Advertise Verbatim to your community to help get translations of Get Personas. New users will need to register, but DO NOT need an LDAP account. Only localizers have LDAP credentials and can log in instantly. Those without LDAP can register and start providing suggestions which the locale admin will need to confirm. When you log in, you will see that Get Personas has 600 strings with over 8,000 words to translate. This is a BIG project. We hope to have this work done by the release of Firefox 3.6. If you do not want to use Verbatim to localize Get Personas, you can find the en-US .po file in Verbatim and download the file and work from your standard .po editor. To do this, click on the "Translate" tab inside your Get Personas project page and download the "ZIP of directory" file for your locale. Please email me, Gandalf, or Fred Wenzel with questions. We are the team who has worked on launching this application and can provide the quickest answers. You can also find us on #verbatim on Mozilla IRC network. Best regards, -Seth p.s. Many thanks to "the Pootle Guys" for helping us with this project. That includes Dwayne, Friedel and Walter who are all located in South Africa. _______________________________________________ dev-l10n-web mailing list dev-l10n-web@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n-web
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Eduard Gamonal