Fwd: [l10n-web] BrowserID: deadline for the next release is Tuesday, June 19 10:00 AM PDT + SHIPPING POLICY CHANGE

novetats del browser ID estic posant al dia la feina que no he pogut fer les darreres 3 setmanes. si algú vol fer aquetes 5 cadenes, que avisi. si no, les faré jo. fins ara! ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Matjaz Horvat <matjaz.horvat@gmail.com> Date: Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 10:52 AM Subject: [l10n-web] BrowserID: deadline for the next release is Tuesday, June 19 10:00 AM PDT + SHIPPING POLICY CHANGE To: Mozilla projects web content localization < dev-l10n-web@lists.mozilla.org>, dev-l10n-announce@lists.mozilla.org Howdy, SHIPPING POLICY CHANGE This Wednesday we released the next version of BrowserID in 44 languages. Starting with this release, we changed our policy of shipping locales. Once a locale gets to 100% finished strings for a specific release, we don't drop it from production in the next releases, even if it falls below 100%. NEXT RELEASE The next BrowserID release is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, so we'd like to kindly ask you to finish your work by Tuesday, June 19 10:00 AM PDT. New strings are already available in Verbatim & SVN and shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes to translate. This is a VERY EXCITING release. We have 5 new and 14 fuzzy strings strings, mostly related to a full site rebrand from BrowserID to Persona. Have a look at the new branding and look and feel here: https://dev.diresworb.org IMPORTANT: If you're using Verbatim, please don't forget to commit your changes to VCS under the Review tab. After that, you'll be able to test your translations on our preview environment (not updated yet): http://ozten.com/random/browserid/bid_test.html Shall you have any questions, I'm happy to help. -Matjaž _______________________________________________ dev-l10n-web mailing list dev-l10n-web@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n-web

Ben tornat Eduard :) Recordeu. Si algú ha fet res a localize.mozilla.org, que ho comenti a la llista per si cal que algú ho revisi i ho aprovi. Malauradament si no anem al lloc i resseguim els projectes, se'ns pot passar, perquè no hi ha cap sistema de notificació per correu o similar que ens avisi. Salut, 2012/6/16 Eduard Gamonal <egamonal@softcatala.cat>:
novetats del browser ID estic posant al dia la feina que no he pogut fer les darreres 3 setmanes. si algú vol fer aquetes 5 cadenes, que avisi. si no, les faré jo. fins ara!
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Matjaz Horvat <matjaz.horvat@gmail.com> Date: Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 10:52 AM Subject: [l10n-web] BrowserID: deadline for the next release is Tuesday, June 19 10:00 AM PDT + SHIPPING POLICY CHANGE To: Mozilla projects web content localization <dev-l10n-web@lists.mozilla.org>, dev-l10n-announce@lists.mozilla.org
This Wednesday we released the next version of BrowserID in 44 languages. Starting with this release, we changed our policy of shipping locales. Once a locale gets to 100% finished strings for a specific release, we don't drop it from production in the next releases, even if it falls below 100%.
The next BrowserID release is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, so we'd like to kindly ask you to finish your work by Tuesday, June 19 10:00 AM PDT. New strings are already available in Verbatim & SVN and shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes to translate.
This is a VERY EXCITING release. We have 5 new and 14 fuzzy strings strings, mostly related to a full site rebrand from BrowserID to Persona. Have a look at the new branding and look and feel here: https://dev.diresworb.org
IMPORTANT: If you're using Verbatim, please don't forget to commit your changes to VCS under the Review tab. After that, you'll be able to test your translations on our preview environment (not updated yet): http://ozten.com/random/browserid/bid_test.html
Shall you have any questions, I'm happy to help.
-- Toni Hermoso Pulido http://www.cau.cat

Aquí sota, a "caracterísitcas". Es de la versió castellana...però en català passava una cosa similar. Em sap greu, però no he aconseguit trobar la pàgina de nou, tot i que he donat una mica de volta per dins de la pàgina. Ho sento! Espero que la imatge sigui útil. [image: Imatge en línia 1] 2012/6/16 Eduard Gamonal <egamonal@softcatala.cat>
novetats del browser ID estic posant al dia la feina que no he pogut fer les darreres 3 setmanes. si algú vol fer aquetes 5 cadenes, que avisi. si no, les faré jo. fins ara!
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Matjaz Horvat <matjaz.horvat@gmail.com> Date: Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 10:52 AM Subject: [l10n-web] BrowserID: deadline for the next release is Tuesday, June 19 10:00 AM PDT + SHIPPING POLICY CHANGE To: Mozilla projects web content localization < dev-l10n-web@lists.mozilla.org>, dev-l10n-announce@lists.mozilla.org
This Wednesday we released the next version of BrowserID in 44 languages. Starting with this release, we changed our policy of shipping locales. Once a locale gets to 100% finished strings for a specific release, we don't drop it from production in the next releases, even if it falls below 100%.
The next BrowserID release is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, so we'd like to kindly ask you to finish your work by Tuesday, June 19 10:00 AM PDT. New strings are already available in Verbatim & SVN and shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes to translate.
This is a VERY EXCITING release. We have 5 new and 14 fuzzy strings strings, mostly related to a full site rebrand from BrowserID to Persona. Have a look at the new branding and look and feel here: https://dev.diresworb.org
IMPORTANT: If you're using Verbatim, please don't forget to commit your changes to VCS under the Review tab. After that, you'll be able to test your translations on our preview environment (not updated yet): http://ozten.com/random/browserid/bid_test.html
Shall you have any questions, I'm happy to help.
-Matjaž _______________________________________________ dev-l10n-web mailing list dev-l10n-web@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n-web
____________________________________________________ Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de: http://www.mozilla.cat Si voleu col·laborar en la traducció: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Projectes/Mozilla Podeu demanar ajuda i consell des de: http://www.mibbit.com/#softcatala@irc.gimp.org ___________________________________________________ Mozilla@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/mozilla _______________________________________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta
-- Xavier Novella Sinde Translator and localizer EN, DE, JP to ES, CA 627368091

però això no és pas el browserID sinó el lloc d'ajuda com vas provar les cadenes? On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 7:33 PM, Xavier Novella Sinde < xaviernovellasinde@gmail.com> wrote:
Aquí sota, a "caracterísitcas". Es de la versió castellana...però en català passava una cosa similar. Em sap greu, però no he aconseguit trobar la pàgina de nou, tot i que he donat una mica de volta per dins de la pàgina. Ho sento! Espero que la imatge sigui útil. [image: Imatge en línia 1]
2012/6/16 Eduard Gamonal <egamonal@softcatala.cat>
novetats del browser ID estic posant al dia la feina que no he pogut fer les darreres 3 setmanes. si algú vol fer aquetes 5 cadenes, que avisi. si no, les faré jo. fins ara!
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Matjaz Horvat <matjaz.horvat@gmail.com> Date: Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 10:52 AM Subject: [l10n-web] BrowserID: deadline for the next release is Tuesday, June 19 10:00 AM PDT + SHIPPING POLICY CHANGE To: Mozilla projects web content localization < dev-l10n-web@lists.mozilla.org>, dev-l10n-announce@lists.mozilla.org
This Wednesday we released the next version of BrowserID in 44 languages. Starting with this release, we changed our policy of shipping locales. Once a locale gets to 100% finished strings for a specific release, we don't drop it from production in the next releases, even if it falls below 100%.
The next BrowserID release is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, so we'd like to kindly ask you to finish your work by Tuesday, June 19 10:00 AM PDT. New strings are already available in Verbatim & SVN and shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes to translate.
This is a VERY EXCITING release. We have 5 new and 14 fuzzy strings strings, mostly related to a full site rebrand from BrowserID to Persona. Have a look at the new branding and look and feel here: https://dev.diresworb.org
IMPORTANT: If you're using Verbatim, please don't forget to commit your changes to VCS under the Review tab. After that, you'll be able to test your translations on our preview environment (not updated yet): http://ozten.com/random/browserid/bid_test.html
Shall you have any questions, I'm happy to help.
-Matjaž _______________________________________________ dev-l10n-web mailing list dev-l10n-web@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n-web
____________________________________________________ Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de: http://www.mozilla.cat Si voleu col·laborar en la traducció: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Projectes/Mozilla Podeu demanar ajuda i consell des de: http://www.mibbit.com/#softcatala@irc.gimp.org ___________________________________________________ Mozilla@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/mozilla _______________________________________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta
-- Xavier Novella Sinde Translator and localizer EN, DE, JP to ES, CA 627368091
____________________________________________________ Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de: http://www.mozilla.cat Si voleu col·laborar en la traducció: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Projectes/Mozilla Podeu demanar ajuda i consell des de: http://www.mibbit.com/#softcatala@irc.gimp.org ___________________________________________________ Mozilla@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/mozilla _______________________________________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta

Vaig indicar que l'error es trobava en el SUMO, crec, però no l'he tornat a trobar. La pròxima vegada que vegi alguna anomalia, me la apuntaré correctament i informaré per aquí. No vaig provar les cadenes. Vaig visitar les pàgines de les cadenes que estava traduïnt per a poder imagina més fàcilment el context i poder oferir una millor traducció. Per casulaitat vaig topar-me amb unaimatge que em va semblar que quedava petita. Sigui com sigui, perdò per haver causat aquest embolic. 2012/6/19 Eduard Gamonal <egamonal@softcatala.cat>
però això no és pas el browserID sinó el lloc d'ajuda com vas provar les cadenes?
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 7:33 PM, Xavier Novella Sinde < xaviernovellasinde@gmail.com> wrote:
Aquí sota, a "caracterísitcas". Es de la versió castellana...però en català passava una cosa similar. Em sap greu, però no he aconseguit trobar la pàgina de nou, tot i que he donat una mica de volta per dins de la pàgina. Ho sento! Espero que la imatge sigui útil. [image: Imatge en línia 1]
2012/6/16 Eduard Gamonal <egamonal@softcatala.cat>
novetats del browser ID estic posant al dia la feina que no he pogut fer les darreres 3 setmanes. si algú vol fer aquetes 5 cadenes, que avisi. si no, les faré jo. fins ara!
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Matjaz Horvat <matjaz.horvat@gmail.com> Date: Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 10:52 AM Subject: [l10n-web] BrowserID: deadline for the next release is Tuesday, June 19 10:00 AM PDT + SHIPPING POLICY CHANGE To: Mozilla projects web content localization < dev-l10n-web@lists.mozilla.org>, dev-l10n-announce@lists.mozilla.org
This Wednesday we released the next version of BrowserID in 44 languages. Starting with this release, we changed our policy of shipping locales. Once a locale gets to 100% finished strings for a specific release, we don't drop it from production in the next releases, even if it falls below 100%.
The next BrowserID release is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, so we'd like to kindly ask you to finish your work by Tuesday, June 19 10:00 AM PDT. New strings are already available in Verbatim & SVN and shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes to translate.
This is a VERY EXCITING release. We have 5 new and 14 fuzzy strings strings, mostly related to a full site rebrand from BrowserID to Persona. Have a look at the new branding and look and feel here: https://dev.diresworb.org
IMPORTANT: If you're using Verbatim, please don't forget to commit your changes to VCS under the Review tab. After that, you'll be able to test your translations on our preview environment (not updated yet): http://ozten.com/random/browserid/bid_test.html
Shall you have any questions, I'm happy to help.
-Matjaž _______________________________________________ dev-l10n-web mailing list dev-l10n-web@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n-web
____________________________________________________ Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de: http://www.mozilla.cat Si voleu col·laborar en la traducció: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Projectes/Mozilla Podeu demanar ajuda i consell des de: http://www.mibbit.com/#softcatala@irc.gimp.org ___________________________________________________ Mozilla@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/mozilla _______________________________________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta
-- Xavier Novella Sinde Translator and localizer EN, DE, JP to ES, CA 627368091
____________________________________________________ Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de: http://www.mozilla.cat Si voleu col·laborar en la traducció: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Projectes/Mozilla Podeu demanar ajuda i consell des de: http://www.mibbit.com/#softcatala@irc.gimp.org ___________________________________________________ Mozilla@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/mozilla _______________________________________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta
____________________________________________________ Estigueu al dia de Mozilla des de: http://www.mozilla.cat Si voleu col·laborar en la traducció: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Projectes/Mozilla Podeu demanar ajuda i consell des de: http://www.mibbit.com/#softcatala@irc.gimp.org ___________________________________________________ Mozilla@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/mozilla _______________________________________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta
-- Xavier Novella Sinde Translator and localizer EN, DE, JP to ES, CA 627368091
participants (3)
Eduard Gamonal
Toni Hermoso Pulido
Xavier Novella Sinde