Fwd: [ubiq i18n] Ubiquity interface localization on BabelZilla

L'Ubiquity al Babelzilla: si algú fa servir l'Ubiquity i es vol animar a traduir una mica la interfície al català (les ordres van apart), una forma ben fàcil és emprar la interfície web del Babelzilla. De moment m'hi he registrat, i tothom qui vulgui ajudar-hi, només cal que li doni permís: http://www.babelzilla.org/index.php?option=com_wts&Itemid=88&language=97&extension=5165&type=filelist2 Salut, ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "mitcho (Michael 芳貴 Erlewine)" <mitcho@mitcho.com> Date: 2009/8/10 Subject: [ubiq i18n] Ubiquity interface localization on BabelZilla To: ubiquity-i18n@googlegroups.com Hi all, I submitted Ubiquity 0.5.3 for localization on BabelZilla, an online localization environment + community. I see that a few people have already signed up as localizers. You can check out the listing and add yourself as a translator with the following link (requires login): http://www.babelzilla.org/index.php?option=com_wts&Itemid=264&extension=5165&type=show I'm still figuring out BabelZilla myself, but we can try this out for a minor update or two and I'll volunteer to merge these changes back into hg during that time. -- Toni Hermoso Pulido http://www.cau.cat
participants (1)
Toni Hermoso Pulido