Informació de *.key *.commandkey *.accesskey (dreceres de teclat, tecles de drecera, combinació de tecles...)

Ep Sempre hi ha dubtes sobre les tecles de drecera, si s'han de traduir o no. Aquí hi ha una explicació sobre els tipus de drecera que s'utilitzen a can Mozilla: <>
There are two types of translatable single character strings in xulrunner / firefox strings. They should have a better tips for translators.
1. Command key (*.key, *.commandkey) They are the shortcuts (eg. Ctrl + KEY), and often they can be easily left alone. The text besides those should say eg.: "Select the shortcut key that you want to use. It should be translated, but often shortcut keys (for example Ctrl + KEY) are not changed from the original. If a translation already exists, please don't change it if you are not sure about it. Please find the context of the key from the end of the "Located in" text below."
2. Access key (*.accesskey) These are the acc_ess keys, and these should be always translated. The text should say eg.: "Select the access key that you want to use. These have to be translated, and they have to be translated in a way that the selected character is present in the translated string of the label being referred to, for example "i" in "Edit" menu item in English. If a translation already exists, please don't change if you are not sure about it. Please find the context of the key from the end of the "Located in" text below."
En resum: *.commandkey i *.key --- són la combinació de tecles (Ctrl+P, etc.) que apareix a la part dreta d'alguns elements de menú. *No es tradueixen* *.accesskey: és la tecla que surt ressaltada als textos d'elements de la interfície. *Es tradueixen* salut jordi s
participants (1)
Jordi Serratosa