Fwd: SeaMonkey 2.0 RC2 pre-testing - help wanted!

Ep gent, proves per al SeaMonkey 2.0: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/seamonkey/nightly/2.0rc2-candidates/b... Si teniu temps, també podeu fer-ne tests: https://litmus.mozilla.org/run_tests.cgi?test_run_id=7 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Robert Kaiser <kairo@kairo.at> Date: 2009/10/18 Subject: Re: SeaMonkey 2.0 RC2 pre-testing - help wanted! To: dev-l10n@lists.mozilla.org This build is now available at http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/seamonkey/nightly/2.0rc2-candidates/b... and on the betatest update channel. Please test those builds as soon as possible, possibly running smoketests, we'd like to push them out to public beta testing as an official RC2 vfery soon, hopefully on Monday. And then, let's hope they hold up well enough in testing that this release candidate can be just converted to the real 2.0 release about a week later! :) -- Toni Hermoso Pulido http://www.cau.cat
participants (1)
Toni Hermoso Pulido