Dink. Força feina avui.

@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ #: Story/ITEM-B1.c:92 #: Story/ITEM-B2.c:92 msgid "* POWER SHOT *" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* TRET POTENT *" @@ -471,11 +471,11 @@ #: Story/KING.c:119 msgid "You must hurry, Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "T'has d'afanyar, Dink." #: Story/KING.c:126 msgid "Hello, Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hola, Dink." @@ -4839,7 +4839,7 @@ #: Story/S2-MDOOR.c:13 msgid "This looks like the place, but it's locked." -msgstr "Sembla el lloc adecuat, però està tancat." +msgstr "Sembla el lloc adequat, però està tancat." @@ -5805,63 +5805,63 @@ #: Story/S3-CAMP.c:42 msgid "This must be it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha de ser això!" #: Story/S3-CAMP.c:43 msgid "I have to make it into that tent." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha de ser dins la tenda." #: Story/S3-CAMP.c:52 msgid "Here goes nothing..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquí no hi ha res..." #: Story/S3-CAMP.c:62 msgid "Gotta run!! Gotta run!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "He de córrer!! He de córrer!!" #: Story/S3-CAMP.c:65 msgid "Hey!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hei!!" #: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:61 msgid "Man, that was close!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tio, ha anat de poc!" #: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:63 msgid "It looks like this scroll might just be the proof I need." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sembla que aquest pergamí és justament la prova que necessito." #: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:73 msgid "Not so fast ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No tant depressa..." #: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:74 msgid "Ha Ha Haaa" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha Ha Haaa" #: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:80 msgid "Looks like you have trouble learning, small one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sembla que tens problemes per aprendre, petitó." #: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:82 msgid "I thought I told you to stay away from us." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Crec que et vaig dir que no et fiquessis al nostre camí." #: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:84 msgid "Yeah well, my foot still has an appointment with you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, bé. Els meus peus encara tenen un cita amb vosaltres." #: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:86 msgid "What do you freaks want with town anyway?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què coi hi voleu amb la ciutat, vosaltres?" #: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:88 msgid "Our business doesn't need to be told to the dead.." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No n'hem de parlar dels nostres negocis amb els morts..." #: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:90 msgid "Finish him." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Acabeu amb ell." @@ -6094,7 +6094,7 @@ #: Story/S3-FREAK.c:55 msgid "This parade is gonna rule!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquesta desfilada molarà!!!" @@ -6200,119 +6200,119 @@ #: Story/S3-FREAK.c:147 msgid "Soooo ... didn't see you at the parade." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doncs ... No us hi he vist a la desfilada." #: Story/S3-FREAK.c:149 msgid "Oh .. hehe .. yeah, I uhh ... I ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah... hehe... Sí, he... emm He..." #: Story/S3-FREAK.c:151 msgid "one of the ducks got sick, and well .. we couldn't perform." -msgstr "" +msgstr "s'ha posat malalt un ànec, i bé... No hem pogut sortir." #: Story/S3-FREAK.c:156 msgid "I'm sure. That's too bad, after all that practice." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ho entenc. Què malament, després de practicar tant." #: Story/S3-FREAK.c:158 msgid "Well hey, don't worry ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé ei, no hi pateixis..." #: Story/S3-FREAK.c:160 msgid "we're practicing for next year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "estem practicant per l'any que bé." #: Story/S3-FREAK.c:162 msgid "Aww man..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostres tio..." #: Story/S3-FREAK.c:166 msgid "Note to self: Don't come here next year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nota mental: No venir l'any vinent." #: Story/S3-GOB.c:21 msgid "heeloo, freen. We kan took tegether?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Holaaa, amig. Poddem parlart junts?" #: Story/S3-GOB.c:33 msgid "osh! Puheaze hooman! We chan bey freens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aix! Si us praul homen! prodem sert amigs!" #: Story/S3-GOB.c:36 msgid "doon hort meeee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nom fassis maalt!" #: Story/S3-GOB.c:39 msgid "i won oose vilens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No faitx violensia!" #: Story/S3-GOB.c:48 msgid "Let that be a clear message to his people. Haw!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fem que sigui un missatge clar per la seva gent. Yea!" #: Story/S3-GOB.c:56 msgid "Ask the Goblin's name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li al Goblin com es diu." #: Story/S3-GOB.c:57 msgid "Ask what he is doing way out here" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li que hi fa aquí fora" #: Story/S3-GOB.c:58 msgid "Ask about the Goblin Sanctuary" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li pel Santuari Goblin" #: Story/S3-GOB.c:64 msgid "What is your name, Goblin?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com et dius, Goblin?" #: Story/S3-GOB.c:66 msgid "my nam is george. whe kin bey gud frins?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "me diic geroge. pudiriem sert bonus amigs?" #: Story/S3-GOB.c:68 msgid "I don't understand a thing you're saying." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No entenc res del que dius." #: Story/S3-GOB.c:74 msgid "Say, why aren't you in the Goblin sanctuary?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Digues, com és que no ets al Santuari Goblin?" #: Story/S3-GOB.c:76 msgid "i wans tu leaf weth hoomankind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "voll vruire amp els homans." #: Story/S3-GOB.c:78 msgid "Many people are afraid of goblins, you know." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hi ha molta gent que té por dels goblins, ja ho saps." #: Story/S3-GOB.c:80 msgid "george is hoomankind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "george és humà." #: Story/S3-GOB.c:82 msgid "Ah, I see. Good luck to you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ho entenc. Què tinguis bona sort." #: Story/S3-GOB.c:87 msgid "So what's with that Goblin Sanctuary place?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "I què passa amb el Santuari Goblin aquest?" #: Story/S3-GOB.c:89 msgid "they ar BAD. they can oonly anderstund ONE theng." -msgstr "" +msgstr "són dolenps. noméees antenent UNA crosa." #: Story/S3-GOB.c:91 msgid "And just what thing is that? I may need to know this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "I quina cosa és? Potser em cal saber-ho." #: Story/S3-GOB.c:93 msgid "voilense. too summon mog yoo mus KILL many guuards." -msgstr "" +msgstr "violensia. per convocrar mog hast de MATAR moolps guardries." #: Story/S3-GOB.c:95 msgid "Ah. I'm not entirely sure who Mog is but..uh thanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah. No tinc gaire clar qui és en Mog... bé, gràcies." @@ -6324,59 +6324,59 @@ #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:68 msgid "Ask the Goblin guard to let you in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li al guàrdia Goblin que et deixi entrar" #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:69 msgid "Incite an 'incident'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Incita un «incident»" #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:76 msgid "Greetings my good fellow! May I enter your fine establishment?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Salut company! Podria entrar al vostre preciós establiment?" #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:78 msgid "hmm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "hmm." #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:87 msgid "hmm.. are yoo joon?? coom beck lader! too erly" -msgstr "" +msgstr "hmm... ets ent joon?? trorna desprers! massa aviad" #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:95 msgid "ashee yoo hav bough. GATS OPAN!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "veitx que tents arc. PRORTES ORBRE!" #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:108 msgid "erga hoomans NOT heenter! leev!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "les hoomas NO entrent! martxa!" #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:110 msgid "Oh come on, let me in!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Va home, deixa'm entrar!" #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:112 msgid "no bow?!!! un not joon! leev!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "no arc?!! i nots jooon! martxa!" #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:118 msgid "Say. So how 'bout that war of '23? You guys got beat back pretty hard." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolta. Com va anar la guerra del '23? Us fan fotre una bona pallissa." #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:120 msgid "yoo ar engerang meee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "m'estars enfadand!" #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:122 msgid "I mean, King Daniel basically crushed you all like tiny bugs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vull dir, que el Rei Daniel bàsicament us va esclafar com a escarbats minúsculs." #: Story/S3-GOBG.c:124 msgid "reechard!?? yoo wheel bey daying now!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "reetxard!?? ara mordiràaas!" #: Story/S3-GSIGN.c:3 msgid "welkam to george huse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Benvengud a calt george" @@ -6500,31 +6500,31 @@ #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:13 #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:30 msgid "Hey, uhh ... where did everyone go?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, uhh... On ha anat tothom?" #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:15 msgid "The parade's over already man." -msgstr "" +msgstr "S'ha acabat la desfilada tio." #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:17 msgid "Everyone took off." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tothom se n'ha anat." #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:19 msgid "That quick?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tant depresa?!?" #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:21 msgid "I don't know man, I just work here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No ho se tio, només treballo aquí." #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:32 msgid "I already told you buddy, they left." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja t'ho he dit tio, se n'han anat." #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:34 msgid "What are you, some kind of freak?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què ets, una mena de friqui?" @@ -6635,99 +6635,99 @@ #: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:107 msgid "Say hello" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Saluda" #: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:108 msgid "Show him the scroll with the plans" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ensenya-li el pergamí amb els plans" #: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:114 msgid "Hello Mayor, how's it going?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hola Alcalde, què tal?" #: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:116 msgid "Pretty good fair citizen." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Força bé ciutadà." #: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:118 msgid "Hey, that's just great." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, això és genial." #: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:123 msgid "I've got your proof mayor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Us he portat la prova Alcalde." #: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:125 msgid "They plan to slaughter the entire city." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Planegen esclafar la ciutat sencera." #: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:127 msgid "Oh my god, this attack would destroy our defenses!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oh Déu meu. Aquest atac destruiria les nostres defenses!" #: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:129 msgid "I can't believe they would attack us like this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No em puc creure que ens vulguin atacar així." #: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:131 msgid "Now will you call the Guard?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ara cridareu a la Guàrdia?" #: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:133 msgid "Yes, I just hope they can get here in time..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí. Només espero que arribin a temps..." #: Story/S3-MOG.c:8 msgid "All this killing and still no answers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tots aquests morts i encara no hi ha cap resposta." #: Story/S3-MOG.c:16 msgid "Who dares wake the mighty Mog, king of Goblins?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qui gosa despertar el poderós Mog, rei dels Goblins?" #: Story/S3-MOG.c:18 msgid "What's this? You have learned our tongue well, Mog." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què és això? Has aprés bé la nostra llengua, Mog." #: Story/S3-MOG.c:20 msgid "Of course. I was raised by.. what is this? My comrades litter the ground!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "És clar. Vaig ser educat per... Què és això? Els meus camarades embruten el terra?" #: Story/S3-MOG.c:22 msgid "It was I who fell them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "He estat jo qui els ha vençut." #: Story/S3-MOG.c:24 msgid "NOW TELL ME OF YOUR SECRET DEALINGS WITH THE CAST!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ARA EXPLICA'M ELS TEUS NEGOCIS SECRETS AMB EL CAST!" #: Story/S3-MOG.c:26 msgid "You? YOU? I MUST AVENGE MY BROTHERS!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tu? TU? VENJARÉ ELS MEUS GERMANS!" #: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:17 msgid "Isn't this wonderful?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No et sembla preciós?" #: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:20 msgid "Not a very long parade was it..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No ha estat una desfilada gaire llarga..." #: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:22 msgid "This was even better than last year!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha estat encara millor que l'any passat!" #: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:25 msgid "What a great parade!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha estat una parada fantàstica!" #: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:38 msgid "Help! This man is going crazy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ajuda! Aquest home s'ha tornat boig!" #: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:41 msgid "Guards!!! Over here!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Guàrdies!! Aquí!!!" @@ -6783,7 +6783,7 @@ #: Story/S3-SIGN7.c:3 msgid "Goblin Sanctuary - Humans keep out to avoid incidents." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Santuari Gobilns - Humans, allunyeu-vos per evitar incidents." @@ -6969,19 +6969,19 @@ #: Story/S3-ST2P.c:25 msgid "That hurts and all, but you could be doing much more damage with a bow!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí que fa mal, però faries molt més mal amb un arc!" #: Story/S3-ST2P.c:32 msgid "Well, despite the highway robbery, I'd like to get a bow." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, malgrat que ho considero una estafa, agafaré un arc." #: Story/S3-ST2P.c:47 msgid "I'm sorry sir, but you DON'T have enough gold!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho sento senyor, però NO teniu prou diners!" #: Story/S3-ST2P.c:49 msgid "Whoops, sorry about that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostres, ho sento." @@ -7069,43 +7069,43 @@ #: Story/S3-TC.c:253 msgid "Dink, Dink, over here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dink, Dink, aquí." #: Story/S3-TC.c:256 msgid "Isn't it just beautiful?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No et sembla preciós?" #: Story/S3-TC.c:259 msgid "Yup, it's a parade allright." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, és una bona desfilada" #: Story/S3-TC.c:261 msgid "A lot of people too, I shudder at what could've happened." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha vingut molta gent. Tremolo de pensar en el que podria haver passat." #: Story/S3-TC.c:263 msgid "You really saved the town Dink..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Has salvat la ciutat Dink..." #: Story/S3-TC.c:265 msgid "I'm really proud of you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Estic orgullosa de tu." #: Story/S3-TC.c:267 msgid "Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gràcies, però no ho hauria pogut fer sense tu." #: Story/S3-TC.c:269 msgid "Well I have to be going, I have to meet with my father." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, me n'he d'anar, he de trobar-me amb el meu pare." #: Story/S3-TC.c:271 msgid "Take care Dink, I hope I'll see you again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ves amb compte Dink, espero tornar-te a veure." #: Story/S3-TC.c:284 msgid "Oh, you will baby, you will..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah, ho faràs nena, ho faràs..." @@ -7269,19 +7269,19 @@ #: Story/S4-H1P.c:17 msgid "AHHHHH!!!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AHHHHH!!!!!!" #: Story/S4-H1P.c:26 msgid "AHHHHH!!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AHHHHH!!!!!" #: Story/S4-H1P.c:37 msgid "What the hell?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què diantre?!?" #: Story/S4-H1P.c:39 msgid "Sorry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho sento." @@ -7298,87 +7298,87 @@ #: Story/S4-H1P.c:63 msgid "I'm done talking to you, I have more important things to worry about." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja en tinc prou de parlar amb tu. Tinc coses més importants de les que preocupar-me." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:65 msgid "Hmmm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hmmm." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:72 msgid "Ask what's up" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li què passa" #: Story/S4-H1P.c:73 msgid "Ask about the town" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pregunta-li pel poble" #: Story/S4-H1P.c:78 msgid "Hey, uh thanks for that fireball!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, eh gràcies per la bola de foc!!" #: Story/S4-H1P.c:79 msgid "What the hell's wrong with you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què carai et passa?" #: Story/S4-H1P.c:81 msgid "I .. I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho... Ho sento. Em pensava que erets algú altre." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:83 msgid "Like who?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com ara qui?" #: Story/S4-H1P.c:85 msgid "Like maybe another raider coming for my food." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com ara un altre saquejador que ve a buscar el meu menjar." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:86 msgid "I have to defend myself." -msgstr "" +msgstr "M'he de defensar." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:88 msgid "This town is messed up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquest poble està perduda." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:94 msgid "So, what's with the town here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolta, què hi passa a aquest poble?" #: Story/S4-H1P.c:96 msgid "We, we all worship the duck here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nosaltres, tots adorem l'ànec aquí." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:99 msgid "Ok, I'm gonna turn back towards you ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'acord, ara em giraré d'esquena..." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:100 msgid "and you're gonna give a normal answer this time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "i em donaràs una resposta normal aquest cop." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:102 msgid "Ready ...." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prepat..." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:105 msgid "We all worship the duck here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tots adorem l'ànec aquí." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:107 msgid "Yeah ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja..." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:108 msgid "Is this some kind of religion?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "És una mena de religió?" #: Story/S4-H1P.c:110 msgid "Yes, we give all and owe all to the duck." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, ho donem tot ho devem tot a l'ànec." #: Story/S4-H1P.c:112 msgid "Well okay then, I'll ... I'll get back to you on that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, d'acord, llavors, Ja... Ja en tornarem a parlar." @@ -7526,35 +7526,35 @@ #: Story/S4-MD2.c:17 msgid "Who's there?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qui hi ha?" #: Story/S4-MD2.c:19 msgid "My name's Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Em dic Dink." #: Story/S4-MD2.c:21 msgid "Never mind that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No m'importa això." #: Story/S4-MD2.c:22 msgid "Do you have food?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TEns menjar?" #: Story/S4-MD2.c:24 msgid "Nope ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No..." #: Story/S4-MD2.c:26 msgid "I need food!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Necessito menjar!" #: Story/S4-MD2.c:28 msgid "Sorry ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Em sap greu..." #: Story/S4-MD2.c:30 msgid "Then go away!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doncs ves-te'n!!" @@ -7606,23 +7606,23 @@ #: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:26 msgid "Go away." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ves-te'n." #: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:30 msgid "I hate you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "T'odio." #: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:34 msgid "Noooooooo!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Noooooooo!!" #: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:38 msgid "You can't get in." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No pots entrar." #: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:42 msgid "Leave me alone." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deixa'm sol." @@ -7643,19 +7643,19 @@ #: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:14 msgid "Hear ye, hear ye ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolteu, escolteu..." #: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:15 msgid "By order of our great ducks the monthly tax shall be doubled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Per ordre del gran ànec la tasca mensual s'ha doblat." #: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:16 msgid "This also applies to food donations." -msgstr "" +msgstr "També s'aplica a les donacions de menjar." #: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:17 msgid "Long live the ducks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Llarga vida als ànecs." @@ -7671,35 +7671,35 @@ #: Story/S4-ST1P.c:42 msgid "Sell an item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ven una cosa" #: Story/S4-ST1P.c:47 msgid "How's things been here lately?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com han anat les coses per aquí darrerament?" #: Story/S4-ST1P.c:49 msgid "Oh just fine sir, thanks for asking." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah força bé, gràcies per preguntar." #: Story/S4-ST1P.c:53 msgid "Those ducks are our friends and keepers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquests ànecs són els nostres amics i cuidadors" #: Story/S4-ST1P.c:54 msgid "they've given us all we have today." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ens han donat tot els que tenim avui." #: Story/S4-ST1P.c:56 msgid "Okay, that's the weirdest statement I think I've heard today." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'acord. És la frase més estranya que he sentit avui." #: Story/S4-ST1P.c:58 msgid "Be kind to the ducks in this town." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sigues gentil amb els ànecs en aquest poble." #: Story/S4-ST1P.c:60 msgid "Sure, no problem." -msgstr "" +msgstr "És clar, cap problema." @@ -8618,7 +8618,7 @@ #: Story/S7-MIL.c:129 msgid "aaargh.." -msgstr "" +msgstr "aaargh..." @@ -9097,11 +9097,11 @@ #: Story/en-gmog.c:58 msgid "Please..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Si us plau..." #: Story/en-gmog.c:60 msgid "I will tell you where the secret Cast camp is..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Et diré on és el camp secret del Cast..."

Who's there? Qui hi ha allí? By order of our great ducks the monthly tax shall be doubled A petició dels nostres ànecs extraordinaris l'impost mensual hauria de doblar-se. This also applies to food donations. Això també s'aplica a les donacions alimentàries. On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 6:40 PM, mecatxis <mecatxis@gmail.com> wrote:
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ #: Story/ITEM-B1.c:92 #: Story/ITEM-B2.c:92 msgid "* POWER SHOT *" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* TRET POTENT *"
@@ -471,11 +471,11 @@
#: Story/KING.c:119 msgid "You must hurry, Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "T'has d'afanyar, Dink."
#: Story/KING.c:126 msgid "Hello, Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hola, Dink."
@@ -4839,7 +4839,7 @@
#: Story/S2-MDOOR.c:13 msgid "This looks like the place, but it's locked." -msgstr "Sembla el lloc adecuat, però està tancat." +msgstr "Sembla el lloc adequat, però està tancat."
@@ -5805,63 +5805,63 @@
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:42 msgid "This must be it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha de ser això!"
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:43 msgid "I have to make it into that tent." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha de ser dins la tenda."
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:52 msgid "Here goes nothing..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquí no hi ha res..."
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:62 msgid "Gotta run!! Gotta run!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "He de córrer!! He de córrer!!"
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:65 msgid "Hey!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hei!!"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:61 msgid "Man, that was close!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tio, ha anat de poc!"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:63 msgid "It looks like this scroll might just be the proof I need." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sembla que aquest pergamí és justament la prova que necessito."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:73 msgid "Not so fast ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No tant depressa..."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:74 msgid "Ha Ha Haaa" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha Ha Haaa"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:80 msgid "Looks like you have trouble learning, small one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sembla que tens problemes per aprendre, petitó."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:82 msgid "I thought I told you to stay away from us." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Crec que et vaig dir que no et fiquessis al nostre camí."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:84 msgid "Yeah well, my foot still has an appointment with you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, bé. Els meus peus encara tenen un cita amb vosaltres."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:86 msgid "What do you freaks want with town anyway?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què coi hi voleu amb la ciutat, vosaltres?"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:88 msgid "Our business doesn't need to be told to the dead.." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No n'hem de parlar dels nostres negocis amb els morts..."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:90 msgid "Finish him." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Acabeu amb ell."
@@ -6094,7 +6094,7 @@
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:55 msgid "This parade is gonna rule!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquesta desfilada molarà!!!"
@@ -6200,119 +6200,119 @@
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:147 msgid "Soooo ... didn't see you at the parade." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doncs ... No us hi he vist a la desfilada."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:149 msgid "Oh .. hehe .. yeah, I uhh ... I ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah... hehe... Sí, he... emm He..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:151 msgid "one of the ducks got sick, and well .. we couldn't perform." -msgstr "" +msgstr "s'ha posat malalt un ànec, i bé... No hem pogut sortir."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:156 msgid "I'm sure. That's too bad, after all that practice." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ho entenc. Què malament, després de practicar tant."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:158 msgid "Well hey, don't worry ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé ei, no hi pateixis..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:160 msgid "we're practicing for next year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "estem practicant per l'any que bé."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:162 msgid "Aww man..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostres tio..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:166 msgid "Note to self: Don't come here next year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nota mental: No venir l'any vinent."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:21 msgid "heeloo, freen. We kan took tegether?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Holaaa, amig. Poddem parlart junts?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:33 msgid "osh! Puheaze hooman! We chan bey freens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aix! Si us praul homen! prodem sert amigs!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:36 msgid "doon hort meeee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nom fassis maalt!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:39 msgid "i won oose vilens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No faitx violensia!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:48 msgid "Let that be a clear message to his people. Haw!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fem que sigui un missatge clar per la seva gent. Yea!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:56 msgid "Ask the Goblin's name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li al Goblin com es diu."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:57 msgid "Ask what he is doing way out here" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li que hi fa aquí fora"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:58 msgid "Ask about the Goblin Sanctuary" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li pel Santuari Goblin"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:64 msgid "What is your name, Goblin?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com et dius, Goblin?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:66 msgid "my nam is george. whe kin bey gud frins?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "me diic geroge. pudiriem sert bonus amigs?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:68 msgid "I don't understand a thing you're saying." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No entenc res del que dius."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:74 msgid "Say, why aren't you in the Goblin sanctuary?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Digues, com és que no ets al Santuari Goblin?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:76 msgid "i wans tu leaf weth hoomankind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "voll vruire amp els homans."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:78 msgid "Many people are afraid of goblins, you know." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hi ha molta gent que té por dels goblins, ja ho saps."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:80 msgid "george is hoomankind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "george és humà."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:82 msgid "Ah, I see. Good luck to you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ho entenc. Què tinguis bona sort."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:87 msgid "So what's with that Goblin Sanctuary place?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "I què passa amb el Santuari Goblin aquest?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:89 msgid "they ar BAD. they can oonly anderstund ONE theng." -msgstr "" +msgstr "són dolenps. noméees antenent UNA crosa."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:91 msgid "And just what thing is that? I may need to know this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "I quina cosa és? Potser em cal saber-ho."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:93 msgid "voilense. too summon mog yoo mus KILL many guuards." -msgstr "" +msgstr "violensia. per convocrar mog hast de MATAR moolps guardries."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:95 msgid "Ah. I'm not entirely sure who Mog is but..uh thanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah. No tinc gaire clar qui és en Mog... bé, gràcies."
@@ -6324,59 +6324,59 @@
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:68 msgid "Ask the Goblin guard to let you in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li al guàrdia Goblin que et deixi entrar"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:69 msgid "Incite an 'incident'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Incita un «incident»"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:76 msgid "Greetings my good fellow! May I enter your fine establishment?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Salut company! Podria entrar al vostre preciós establiment?"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:78 msgid "hmm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "hmm."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:87 msgid "hmm.. are yoo joon?? coom beck lader! too erly" -msgstr "" +msgstr "hmm... ets ent joon?? trorna desprers! massa aviad"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:95 msgid "ashee yoo hav bough. GATS OPAN!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "veitx que tents arc. PRORTES ORBRE!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:108 msgid "erga hoomans NOT heenter! leev!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "les hoomas NO entrent! martxa!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:110 msgid "Oh come on, let me in!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Va home, deixa'm entrar!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:112 msgid "no bow?!!! un not joon! leev!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "no arc?!! i nots jooon! martxa!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:118 msgid "Say. So how 'bout that war of '23? You guys got beat back pretty hard." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolta. Com va anar la guerra del '23? Us fan fotre una bona pallissa."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:120 msgid "yoo ar engerang meee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "m'estars enfadand!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:122 msgid "I mean, King Daniel basically crushed you all like tiny bugs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vull dir, que el Rei Daniel bàsicament us va esclafar com a escarbats minúsculs."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:124 msgid "reechard!?? yoo wheel bey daying now!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "reetxard!?? ara mordiràaas!"
#: Story/S3-GSIGN.c:3 msgid "welkam to george huse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Benvengud a calt george"
@@ -6500,31 +6500,31 @@ #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:13 #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:30 msgid "Hey, uhh ... where did everyone go?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, uhh... On ha anat tothom?"
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:15 msgid "The parade's over already man." -msgstr "" +msgstr "S'ha acabat la desfilada tio."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:17 msgid "Everyone took off." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tothom se n'ha anat."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:19 msgid "That quick?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tant depresa?!?"
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:21 msgid "I don't know man, I just work here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No ho se tio, només treballo aquí."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:32 msgid "I already told you buddy, they left." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja t'ho he dit tio, se n'han anat."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:34 msgid "What are you, some kind of freak?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què ets, una mena de friqui?"
@@ -6635,99 +6635,99 @@
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:107 msgid "Say hello" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Saluda"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:108 msgid "Show him the scroll with the plans" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ensenya-li el pergamí amb els plans"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:114 msgid "Hello Mayor, how's it going?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hola Alcalde, què tal?"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:116 msgid "Pretty good fair citizen." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Força bé ciutadà."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:118 msgid "Hey, that's just great." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, això és genial."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:123 msgid "I've got your proof mayor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Us he portat la prova Alcalde."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:125 msgid "They plan to slaughter the entire city." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Planegen esclafar la ciutat sencera."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:127 msgid "Oh my god, this attack would destroy our defenses!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oh Déu meu. Aquest atac destruiria les nostres defenses!"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:129 msgid "I can't believe they would attack us like this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No em puc creure que ens vulguin atacar així."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:131 msgid "Now will you call the Guard?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ara cridareu a la Guàrdia?"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:133 msgid "Yes, I just hope they can get here in time..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí. Només espero que arribin a temps..."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:8 msgid "All this killing and still no answers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tots aquests morts i encara no hi ha cap resposta."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:16 msgid "Who dares wake the mighty Mog, king of Goblins?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qui gosa despertar el poderós Mog, rei dels Goblins?"
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:18 msgid "What's this? You have learned our tongue well, Mog." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què és això? Has aprés bé la nostra llengua, Mog."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:20 msgid "Of course. I was raised by.. what is this? My comrades litter the ground!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "És clar. Vaig ser educat per... Què és això? Els meus camarades embruten el terra?"
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:22 msgid "It was I who fell them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "He estat jo qui els ha vençut."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:26 msgid "You? YOU? I MUST AVENGE MY BROTHERS!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tu? TU? VENJARÉ ELS MEUS GERMANS!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:17 msgid "Isn't this wonderful?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No et sembla preciós?"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:20 msgid "Not a very long parade was it..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No ha estat una desfilada gaire llarga..."
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:22 msgid "This was even better than last year!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha estat encara millor que l'any passat!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:25 msgid "What a great parade!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha estat una parada fantàstica!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:38 msgid "Help! This man is going crazy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ajuda! Aquest home s'ha tornat boig!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:41 msgid "Guards!!! Over here!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Guàrdies!! Aquí!!!"
@@ -6783,7 +6783,7 @@
#: Story/S3-SIGN7.c:3 msgid "Goblin Sanctuary - Humans keep out to avoid incidents." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Santuari Gobilns - Humans, allunyeu-vos per evitar incidents."
@@ -6969,19 +6969,19 @@
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:25 msgid "That hurts and all, but you could be doing much more damage with a bow!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí que fa mal, però faries molt més mal amb un arc!"
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:32 msgid "Well, despite the highway robbery, I'd like to get a bow." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, malgrat que ho considero una estafa, agafaré un arc."
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:47 msgid "I'm sorry sir, but you DON'T have enough gold!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho sento senyor, però NO teniu prou diners!"
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:49 msgid "Whoops, sorry about that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostres, ho sento."
@@ -7069,43 +7069,43 @@
#: Story/S3-TC.c:253 msgid "Dink, Dink, over here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dink, Dink, aquí."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:256 msgid "Isn't it just beautiful?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No et sembla preciós?"
#: Story/S3-TC.c:259 msgid "Yup, it's a parade allright." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, és una bona desfilada"
#: Story/S3-TC.c:261 msgid "A lot of people too, I shudder at what could've happened." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha vingut molta gent. Tremolo de pensar en el que podria haver passat."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:263 msgid "You really saved the town Dink..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Has salvat la ciutat Dink..."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:265 msgid "I'm really proud of you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Estic orgullosa de tu."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:267 msgid "Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gràcies, però no ho hauria pogut fer sense tu."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:269 msgid "Well I have to be going, I have to meet with my father." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, me n'he d'anar, he de trobar-me amb el meu pare."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:271 msgid "Take care Dink, I hope I'll see you again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ves amb compte Dink, espero tornar-te a veure."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:284 msgid "Oh, you will baby, you will..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah, ho faràs nena, ho faràs..."
@@ -7269,19 +7269,19 @@
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:17 msgid "AHHHHH!!!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AHHHHH!!!!!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:26 msgid "AHHHHH!!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AHHHHH!!!!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:37 msgid "What the hell?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què diantre?!?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:39 msgid "Sorry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho sento."
@@ -7298,87 +7298,87 @@
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:63 msgid "I'm done talking to you, I have more important things to worry about." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja en tinc prou de parlar amb tu. Tinc coses més importants de les que preocupar-me."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:65 msgid "Hmmm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hmmm."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:72 msgid "Ask what's up" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li què passa"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:73 msgid "Ask about the town" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pregunta-li pel poble"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:78 msgid "Hey, uh thanks for that fireball!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, eh gràcies per la bola de foc!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:79 msgid "What the hell's wrong with you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què carai et passa?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:81 msgid "I .. I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho... Ho sento. Em pensava que erets algú altre."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:83 msgid "Like who?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com ara qui?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:85 msgid "Like maybe another raider coming for my food." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com ara un altre saquejador que ve a buscar el meu menjar."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:86 msgid "I have to defend myself." -msgstr "" +msgstr "M'he de defensar."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:88 msgid "This town is messed up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquest poble està perduda."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:94 msgid "So, what's with the town here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolta, què hi passa a aquest poble?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:96 msgid "We, we all worship the duck here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nosaltres, tots adorem l'ànec aquí."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:99 msgid "Ok, I'm gonna turn back towards you ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'acord, ara em giraré d'esquena..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:100 msgid "and you're gonna give a normal answer this time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "i em donaràs una resposta normal aquest cop."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:102 msgid "Ready ...." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prepat..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:105 msgid "We all worship the duck here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tots adorem l'ànec aquí."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:107 msgid "Yeah ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:108 msgid "Is this some kind of religion?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "És una mena de religió?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:110 msgid "Yes, we give all and owe all to the duck." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, ho donem tot ho devem tot a l'ànec."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:112 msgid "Well okay then, I'll ... I'll get back to you on that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, d'acord, llavors, Ja... Ja en tornarem a parlar."
@@ -7526,35 +7526,35 @@
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:17 msgid "Who's there?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qui hi ha?"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:19 msgid "My name's Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Em dic Dink."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:21 msgid "Never mind that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No m'importa això."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:22 msgid "Do you have food?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TEns menjar?"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:24 msgid "Nope ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No..."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:26 msgid "I need food!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Necessito menjar!"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:28 msgid "Sorry ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Em sap greu..."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:30 msgid "Then go away!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doncs ves-te'n!!"
@@ -7606,23 +7606,23 @@
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:26 msgid "Go away." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ves-te'n."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:30 msgid "I hate you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "T'odio."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:34 msgid "Noooooooo!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Noooooooo!!"
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:38 msgid "You can't get in." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No pots entrar."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:42 msgid "Leave me alone." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deixa'm sol."
@@ -7643,19 +7643,19 @@
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:14 msgid "Hear ye, hear ye ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolteu, escolteu..."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:15 msgid "By order of our great ducks the monthly tax shall be doubled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Per ordre del gran ànec la tasca mensual s'ha doblat."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:16 msgid "This also applies to food donations." -msgstr "" +msgstr "També s'aplica a les donacions de menjar."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:17 msgid "Long live the ducks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Llarga vida als ànecs."
@@ -7671,35 +7671,35 @@
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:42 msgid "Sell an item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ven una cosa"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:47 msgid "How's things been here lately?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com han anat les coses per aquí darrerament?"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:49 msgid "Oh just fine sir, thanks for asking." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah força bé, gràcies per preguntar."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:53 msgid "Those ducks are our friends and keepers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquests ànecs són els nostres amics i cuidadors"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:54 msgid "they've given us all we have today." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ens han donat tot els que tenim avui."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:56 msgid "Okay, that's the weirdest statement I think I've heard today." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'acord. És la frase més estranya que he sentit avui."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:58 msgid "Be kind to the ducks in this town." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sigues gentil amb els ànecs en aquest poble."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:60 msgid "Sure, no problem." -msgstr "" +msgstr "És clar, cap problema."
@@ -8618,7 +8618,7 @@
#: Story/S7-MIL.c:129 msgid "aaargh.." -msgstr "" +msgstr "aaargh..."
@@ -9097,11 +9097,11 @@
#: Story/en-gmog.c:58 msgid "Please..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Si us plau..."
#: Story/en-gmog.c:60 msgid "I will tell you where the secret Cast camp is..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Et diré on és el camp secret del Cast..." ______________________________**_________________ GNOME mailing list GNOME@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/**mailman/listinfo/gnome<http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome> ______________________________**_________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/**wiki/Codi_de_conducta<http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta>
-- FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch AKA: Robert Buj University master's degree programme in Information Technology Security, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Computer Engineering, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Free Software, UOC (present) Postgraduate Master's degree in Microsoft .NET Solutions, UOC Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite, Celoxica Ltd. Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze, UAM Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UOC/UDL/URJC Advanced-level training cycle in computer software engineering, Les Heures - Technical academy English course, The school of languages, UOC (present) ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font! de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht! en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code! es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente! gpg fingerprint = 519C 3F59 DB1F B31A 545F 9874 DF78 DB0C 163C 5913

I will tell you where the secret Cast camp is... Et diré on és el campament secret del llançament... On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 7:24 PM, Robert Antoni <robert.buj@gmail.com> wrote:
Who's there? Qui hi ha allí?
By order of our great ducks the monthly tax shall be doubled A petició dels nostres ànecs extraordinaris l'impost mensual hauria de doblar-se.
This also applies to food donations. Això també s'aplica a les donacions alimentàries.
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 6:40 PM, mecatxis <mecatxis@gmail.com> wrote:
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ #: Story/ITEM-B1.c:92 #: Story/ITEM-B2.c:92 msgid "* POWER SHOT *" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* TRET POTENT *"
@@ -471,11 +471,11 @@
#: Story/KING.c:119 msgid "You must hurry, Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "T'has d'afanyar, Dink."
#: Story/KING.c:126 msgid "Hello, Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hola, Dink."
@@ -4839,7 +4839,7 @@
#: Story/S2-MDOOR.c:13 msgid "This looks like the place, but it's locked." -msgstr "Sembla el lloc adecuat, però està tancat." +msgstr "Sembla el lloc adequat, però està tancat."
@@ -5805,63 +5805,63 @@
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:42 msgid "This must be it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha de ser això!"
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:43 msgid "I have to make it into that tent." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha de ser dins la tenda."
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:52 msgid "Here goes nothing..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquí no hi ha res..."
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:62 msgid "Gotta run!! Gotta run!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "He de córrer!! He de córrer!!"
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:65 msgid "Hey!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hei!!"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:61 msgid "Man, that was close!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tio, ha anat de poc!"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:63 msgid "It looks like this scroll might just be the proof I need." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sembla que aquest pergamí és justament la prova que necessito."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:73 msgid "Not so fast ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No tant depressa..."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:74 msgid "Ha Ha Haaa" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha Ha Haaa"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:80 msgid "Looks like you have trouble learning, small one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sembla que tens problemes per aprendre, petitó."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:82 msgid "I thought I told you to stay away from us." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Crec que et vaig dir que no et fiquessis al nostre camí."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:84 msgid "Yeah well, my foot still has an appointment with you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, bé. Els meus peus encara tenen un cita amb vosaltres."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:86 msgid "What do you freaks want with town anyway?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què coi hi voleu amb la ciutat, vosaltres?"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:88 msgid "Our business doesn't need to be told to the dead.." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No n'hem de parlar dels nostres negocis amb els morts..."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:90 msgid "Finish him." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Acabeu amb ell."
@@ -6094,7 +6094,7 @@
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:55 msgid "This parade is gonna rule!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquesta desfilada molarà!!!"
@@ -6200,119 +6200,119 @@
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:147 msgid "Soooo ... didn't see you at the parade." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doncs ... No us hi he vist a la desfilada."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:149 msgid "Oh .. hehe .. yeah, I uhh ... I ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah... hehe... Sí, he... emm He..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:151 msgid "one of the ducks got sick, and well .. we couldn't perform." -msgstr "" +msgstr "s'ha posat malalt un ànec, i bé... No hem pogut sortir."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:156 msgid "I'm sure. That's too bad, after all that practice." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ho entenc. Què malament, després de practicar tant."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:158 msgid "Well hey, don't worry ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé ei, no hi pateixis..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:160 msgid "we're practicing for next year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "estem practicant per l'any que bé."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:162 msgid "Aww man..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostres tio..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:166 msgid "Note to self: Don't come here next year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nota mental: No venir l'any vinent."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:21 msgid "heeloo, freen. We kan took tegether?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Holaaa, amig. Poddem parlart junts?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:33 msgid "osh! Puheaze hooman! We chan bey freens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aix! Si us praul homen! prodem sert amigs!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:36 msgid "doon hort meeee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nom fassis maalt!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:39 msgid "i won oose vilens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No faitx violensia!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:48 msgid "Let that be a clear message to his people. Haw!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fem que sigui un missatge clar per la seva gent. Yea!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:56 msgid "Ask the Goblin's name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li al Goblin com es diu."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:57 msgid "Ask what he is doing way out here" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li que hi fa aquí fora"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:58 msgid "Ask about the Goblin Sanctuary" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li pel Santuari Goblin"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:64 msgid "What is your name, Goblin?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com et dius, Goblin?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:66 msgid "my nam is george. whe kin bey gud frins?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "me diic geroge. pudiriem sert bonus amigs?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:68 msgid "I don't understand a thing you're saying." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No entenc res del que dius."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:74 msgid "Say, why aren't you in the Goblin sanctuary?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Digues, com és que no ets al Santuari Goblin?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:76 msgid "i wans tu leaf weth hoomankind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "voll vruire amp els homans."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:78 msgid "Many people are afraid of goblins, you know." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hi ha molta gent que té por dels goblins, ja ho saps."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:80 msgid "george is hoomankind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "george és humà."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:82 msgid "Ah, I see. Good luck to you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ho entenc. Què tinguis bona sort."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:87 msgid "So what's with that Goblin Sanctuary place?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "I què passa amb el Santuari Goblin aquest?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:89 msgid "they ar BAD. they can oonly anderstund ONE theng." -msgstr "" +msgstr "són dolenps. noméees antenent UNA crosa."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:91 msgid "And just what thing is that? I may need to know this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "I quina cosa és? Potser em cal saber-ho."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:93 msgid "voilense. too summon mog yoo mus KILL many guuards." -msgstr "" +msgstr "violensia. per convocrar mog hast de MATAR moolps guardries."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:95 msgid "Ah. I'm not entirely sure who Mog is but..uh thanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah. No tinc gaire clar qui és en Mog... bé, gràcies."
@@ -6324,59 +6324,59 @@
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:68 msgid "Ask the Goblin guard to let you in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li al guàrdia Goblin que et deixi entrar"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:69 msgid "Incite an 'incident'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Incita un «incident»"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:76 msgid "Greetings my good fellow! May I enter your fine establishment?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Salut company! Podria entrar al vostre preciós establiment?"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:78 msgid "hmm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "hmm."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:87 msgid "hmm.. are yoo joon?? coom beck lader! too erly" -msgstr "" +msgstr "hmm... ets ent joon?? trorna desprers! massa aviad"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:95 msgid "ashee yoo hav bough. GATS OPAN!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "veitx que tents arc. PRORTES ORBRE!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:108 msgid "erga hoomans NOT heenter! leev!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "les hoomas NO entrent! martxa!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:110 msgid "Oh come on, let me in!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Va home, deixa'm entrar!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:112 msgid "no bow?!!! un not joon! leev!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "no arc?!! i nots jooon! martxa!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:118 msgid "Say. So how 'bout that war of '23? You guys got beat back pretty hard." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolta. Com va anar la guerra del '23? Us fan fotre una bona pallissa."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:120 msgid "yoo ar engerang meee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "m'estars enfadand!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:122 msgid "I mean, King Daniel basically crushed you all like tiny bugs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vull dir, que el Rei Daniel bàsicament us va esclafar com a escarbats minúsculs."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:124 msgid "reechard!?? yoo wheel bey daying now!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "reetxard!?? ara mordiràaas!"
#: Story/S3-GSIGN.c:3 msgid "welkam to george huse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Benvengud a calt george"
@@ -6500,31 +6500,31 @@ #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:13 #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:30 msgid "Hey, uhh ... where did everyone go?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, uhh... On ha anat tothom?"
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:15 msgid "The parade's over already man." -msgstr "" +msgstr "S'ha acabat la desfilada tio."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:17 msgid "Everyone took off." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tothom se n'ha anat."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:19 msgid "That quick?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tant depresa?!?"
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:21 msgid "I don't know man, I just work here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No ho se tio, només treballo aquí."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:32 msgid "I already told you buddy, they left." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja t'ho he dit tio, se n'han anat."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:34 msgid "What are you, some kind of freak?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què ets, una mena de friqui?"
@@ -6635,99 +6635,99 @@
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:107 msgid "Say hello" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Saluda"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:108 msgid "Show him the scroll with the plans" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ensenya-li el pergamí amb els plans"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:114 msgid "Hello Mayor, how's it going?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hola Alcalde, què tal?"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:116 msgid "Pretty good fair citizen." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Força bé ciutadà."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:118 msgid "Hey, that's just great." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, això és genial."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:123 msgid "I've got your proof mayor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Us he portat la prova Alcalde."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:125 msgid "They plan to slaughter the entire city." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Planegen esclafar la ciutat sencera."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:127 msgid "Oh my god, this attack would destroy our defenses!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oh Déu meu. Aquest atac destruiria les nostres defenses!"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:129 msgid "I can't believe they would attack us like this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No em puc creure que ens vulguin atacar així."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:131 msgid "Now will you call the Guard?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ara cridareu a la Guàrdia?"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:133 msgid "Yes, I just hope they can get here in time..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí. Només espero que arribin a temps..."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:8 msgid "All this killing and still no answers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tots aquests morts i encara no hi ha cap resposta."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:16 msgid "Who dares wake the mighty Mog, king of Goblins?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qui gosa despertar el poderós Mog, rei dels Goblins?"
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:18 msgid "What's this? You have learned our tongue well, Mog." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què és això? Has aprés bé la nostra llengua, Mog."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:20 msgid "Of course. I was raised by.. what is this? My comrades litter the ground!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "És clar. Vaig ser educat per... Què és això? Els meus camarades embruten el terra?"
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:22 msgid "It was I who fell them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "He estat jo qui els ha vençut."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:26 msgid "You? YOU? I MUST AVENGE MY BROTHERS!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tu? TU? VENJARÉ ELS MEUS GERMANS!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:17 msgid "Isn't this wonderful?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No et sembla preciós?"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:20 msgid "Not a very long parade was it..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No ha estat una desfilada gaire llarga..."
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:22 msgid "This was even better than last year!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha estat encara millor que l'any passat!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:25 msgid "What a great parade!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha estat una parada fantàstica!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:38 msgid "Help! This man is going crazy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ajuda! Aquest home s'ha tornat boig!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:41 msgid "Guards!!! Over here!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Guàrdies!! Aquí!!!"
@@ -6783,7 +6783,7 @@
#: Story/S3-SIGN7.c:3 msgid "Goblin Sanctuary - Humans keep out to avoid incidents." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Santuari Gobilns - Humans, allunyeu-vos per evitar incidents."
@@ -6969,19 +6969,19 @@
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:25 msgid "That hurts and all, but you could be doing much more damage with a bow!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí que fa mal, però faries molt més mal amb un arc!"
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:32 msgid "Well, despite the highway robbery, I'd like to get a bow." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, malgrat que ho considero una estafa, agafaré un arc."
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:47 msgid "I'm sorry sir, but you DON'T have enough gold!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho sento senyor, però NO teniu prou diners!"
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:49 msgid "Whoops, sorry about that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostres, ho sento."
@@ -7069,43 +7069,43 @@
#: Story/S3-TC.c:253 msgid "Dink, Dink, over here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dink, Dink, aquí."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:256 msgid "Isn't it just beautiful?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No et sembla preciós?"
#: Story/S3-TC.c:259 msgid "Yup, it's a parade allright." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, és una bona desfilada"
#: Story/S3-TC.c:261 msgid "A lot of people too, I shudder at what could've happened." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha vingut molta gent. Tremolo de pensar en el que podria haver passat."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:263 msgid "You really saved the town Dink..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Has salvat la ciutat Dink..."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:265 msgid "I'm really proud of you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Estic orgullosa de tu."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:267 msgid "Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gràcies, però no ho hauria pogut fer sense tu."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:269 msgid "Well I have to be going, I have to meet with my father." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, me n'he d'anar, he de trobar-me amb el meu pare."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:271 msgid "Take care Dink, I hope I'll see you again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ves amb compte Dink, espero tornar-te a veure."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:284 msgid "Oh, you will baby, you will..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah, ho faràs nena, ho faràs..."
@@ -7269,19 +7269,19 @@
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:17 msgid "AHHHHH!!!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AHHHHH!!!!!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:26 msgid "AHHHHH!!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AHHHHH!!!!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:37 msgid "What the hell?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què diantre?!?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:39 msgid "Sorry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho sento."
@@ -7298,87 +7298,87 @@
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:63 msgid "I'm done talking to you, I have more important things to worry about." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja en tinc prou de parlar amb tu. Tinc coses més importants de les que preocupar-me."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:65 msgid "Hmmm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hmmm."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:72 msgid "Ask what's up" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li què passa"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:73 msgid "Ask about the town" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pregunta-li pel poble"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:78 msgid "Hey, uh thanks for that fireball!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, eh gràcies per la bola de foc!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:79 msgid "What the hell's wrong with you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què carai et passa?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:81 msgid "I .. I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho... Ho sento. Em pensava que erets algú altre."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:83 msgid "Like who?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com ara qui?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:85 msgid "Like maybe another raider coming for my food." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com ara un altre saquejador que ve a buscar el meu menjar."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:86 msgid "I have to defend myself." -msgstr "" +msgstr "M'he de defensar."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:88 msgid "This town is messed up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquest poble està perduda."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:94 msgid "So, what's with the town here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolta, què hi passa a aquest poble?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:96 msgid "We, we all worship the duck here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nosaltres, tots adorem l'ànec aquí."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:99 msgid "Ok, I'm gonna turn back towards you ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'acord, ara em giraré d'esquena..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:100 msgid "and you're gonna give a normal answer this time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "i em donaràs una resposta normal aquest cop."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:102 msgid "Ready ...." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prepat..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:105 msgid "We all worship the duck here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tots adorem l'ànec aquí."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:107 msgid "Yeah ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:108 msgid "Is this some kind of religion?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "És una mena de religió?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:110 msgid "Yes, we give all and owe all to the duck." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, ho donem tot ho devem tot a l'ànec."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:112 msgid "Well okay then, I'll ... I'll get back to you on that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, d'acord, llavors, Ja... Ja en tornarem a parlar."
@@ -7526,35 +7526,35 @@
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:17 msgid "Who's there?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qui hi ha?"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:19 msgid "My name's Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Em dic Dink."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:21 msgid "Never mind that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No m'importa això."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:22 msgid "Do you have food?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TEns menjar?"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:24 msgid "Nope ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No..."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:26 msgid "I need food!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Necessito menjar!"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:28 msgid "Sorry ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Em sap greu..."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:30 msgid "Then go away!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doncs ves-te'n!!"
@@ -7606,23 +7606,23 @@
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:26 msgid "Go away." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ves-te'n."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:30 msgid "I hate you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "T'odio."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:34 msgid "Noooooooo!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Noooooooo!!"
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:38 msgid "You can't get in." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No pots entrar."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:42 msgid "Leave me alone." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deixa'm sol."
@@ -7643,19 +7643,19 @@
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:14 msgid "Hear ye, hear ye ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolteu, escolteu..."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:15 msgid "By order of our great ducks the monthly tax shall be doubled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Per ordre del gran ànec la tasca mensual s'ha doblat."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:16 msgid "This also applies to food donations." -msgstr "" +msgstr "També s'aplica a les donacions de menjar."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:17 msgid "Long live the ducks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Llarga vida als ànecs."
@@ -7671,35 +7671,35 @@
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:42 msgid "Sell an item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ven una cosa"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:47 msgid "How's things been here lately?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com han anat les coses per aquí darrerament?"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:49 msgid "Oh just fine sir, thanks for asking." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah força bé, gràcies per preguntar."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:53 msgid "Those ducks are our friends and keepers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquests ànecs són els nostres amics i cuidadors"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:54 msgid "they've given us all we have today." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ens han donat tot els que tenim avui."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:56 msgid "Okay, that's the weirdest statement I think I've heard today." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'acord. És la frase més estranya que he sentit avui."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:58 msgid "Be kind to the ducks in this town." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sigues gentil amb els ànecs en aquest poble."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:60 msgid "Sure, no problem." -msgstr "" +msgstr "És clar, cap problema."
@@ -8618,7 +8618,7 @@
#: Story/S7-MIL.c:129 msgid "aaargh.." -msgstr "" +msgstr "aaargh..."
@@ -9097,11 +9097,11 @@
#: Story/en-gmog.c:58 msgid "Please..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Si us plau..."
#: Story/en-gmog.c:60 msgid "I will tell you where the secret Cast camp is..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Et diré on és el camp secret del Cast..." ______________________________**_________________ GNOME mailing list GNOME@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/**mailman/listinfo/gnome<http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome> ______________________________**_________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/**wiki/Codi_de_conducta<http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta>
-- FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch AKA: Robert Buj
University master's degree programme in Information Technology Security, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Computer Engineering, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Free Software, UOC (present) Postgraduate Master's degree in Microsoft .NET Solutions, UOC Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite, Celoxica Ltd. Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze, UAM Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UOC/UDL/URJC Advanced-level training cycle in computer software engineering, Les Heures - Technical academy English course, The school of languages, UOC (present)
ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font! de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht! en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code! es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente!
gpg fingerprint = 519C 3F59 DB1F B31A 545F 9874 DF78 DB0C 163C 5913
-- FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch AKA: Robert Buj University master's degree programme in Information Technology Security, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Computer Engineering, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Free Software, UOC (present) Postgraduate Master's degree in Microsoft .NET Solutions, UOC Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite, Celoxica Ltd. Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze, UAM Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UOC/UDL/URJC Advanced-level training cycle in computer software engineering, Les Heures - Technical academy English course, The school of languages, UOC (present) ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font! de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht! en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code! es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente! gpg fingerprint = 519C 3F59 DB1F B31A 545F 9874 DF78 DB0C 163C 5913

We all worship the duck here. Aquí tots nosaltres tractem l'ànec com una divinitat. On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Robert Antoni <robert.buj@gmail.com> wrote:
I will tell you where the secret Cast camp is... Et diré on és el campament secret del llançament...
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 7:24 PM, Robert Antoni <robert.buj@gmail.com>wrote:
Who's there? Qui hi ha allí?
By order of our great ducks the monthly tax shall be doubled A petició dels nostres ànecs extraordinaris l'impost mensual hauria de doblar-se.
This also applies to food donations. Això també s'aplica a les donacions alimentàries.
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 6:40 PM, mecatxis <mecatxis@gmail.com> wrote:
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ #: Story/ITEM-B1.c:92 #: Story/ITEM-B2.c:92 msgid "* POWER SHOT *" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* TRET POTENT *"
@@ -471,11 +471,11 @@
#: Story/KING.c:119 msgid "You must hurry, Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "T'has d'afanyar, Dink."
#: Story/KING.c:126 msgid "Hello, Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hola, Dink."
@@ -4839,7 +4839,7 @@
#: Story/S2-MDOOR.c:13 msgid "This looks like the place, but it's locked." -msgstr "Sembla el lloc adecuat, però està tancat." +msgstr "Sembla el lloc adequat, però està tancat."
@@ -5805,63 +5805,63 @@
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:42 msgid "This must be it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha de ser això!"
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:43 msgid "I have to make it into that tent." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha de ser dins la tenda."
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:52 msgid "Here goes nothing..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquí no hi ha res..."
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:62 msgid "Gotta run!! Gotta run!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "He de córrer!! He de córrer!!"
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:65 msgid "Hey!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hei!!"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:61 msgid "Man, that was close!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tio, ha anat de poc!"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:63 msgid "It looks like this scroll might just be the proof I need." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sembla que aquest pergamí és justament la prova que necessito."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:73 msgid "Not so fast ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No tant depressa..."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:74 msgid "Ha Ha Haaa" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha Ha Haaa"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:80 msgid "Looks like you have trouble learning, small one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sembla que tens problemes per aprendre, petitó."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:82 msgid "I thought I told you to stay away from us." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Crec que et vaig dir que no et fiquessis al nostre camí."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:84 msgid "Yeah well, my foot still has an appointment with you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, bé. Els meus peus encara tenen un cita amb vosaltres."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:86 msgid "What do you freaks want with town anyway?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què coi hi voleu amb la ciutat, vosaltres?"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:88 msgid "Our business doesn't need to be told to the dead.." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No n'hem de parlar dels nostres negocis amb els morts..."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:90 msgid "Finish him." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Acabeu amb ell."
@@ -6094,7 +6094,7 @@
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:55 msgid "This parade is gonna rule!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquesta desfilada molarà!!!"
@@ -6200,119 +6200,119 @@
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:147 msgid "Soooo ... didn't see you at the parade." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doncs ... No us hi he vist a la desfilada."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:149 msgid "Oh .. hehe .. yeah, I uhh ... I ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah... hehe... Sí, he... emm He..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:151 msgid "one of the ducks got sick, and well .. we couldn't perform." -msgstr "" +msgstr "s'ha posat malalt un ànec, i bé... No hem pogut sortir."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:156 msgid "I'm sure. That's too bad, after all that practice." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ho entenc. Què malament, després de practicar tant."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:158 msgid "Well hey, don't worry ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé ei, no hi pateixis..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:160 msgid "we're practicing for next year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "estem practicant per l'any que bé."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:162 msgid "Aww man..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostres tio..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:166 msgid "Note to self: Don't come here next year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nota mental: No venir l'any vinent."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:21 msgid "heeloo, freen. We kan took tegether?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Holaaa, amig. Poddem parlart junts?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:33 msgid "osh! Puheaze hooman! We chan bey freens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aix! Si us praul homen! prodem sert amigs!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:36 msgid "doon hort meeee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nom fassis maalt!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:39 msgid "i won oose vilens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No faitx violensia!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:48 msgid "Let that be a clear message to his people. Haw!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fem que sigui un missatge clar per la seva gent. Yea!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:56 msgid "Ask the Goblin's name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li al Goblin com es diu."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:57 msgid "Ask what he is doing way out here" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li que hi fa aquí fora"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:58 msgid "Ask about the Goblin Sanctuary" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li pel Santuari Goblin"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:64 msgid "What is your name, Goblin?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com et dius, Goblin?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:66 msgid "my nam is george. whe kin bey gud frins?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "me diic geroge. pudiriem sert bonus amigs?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:68 msgid "I don't understand a thing you're saying." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No entenc res del que dius."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:74 msgid "Say, why aren't you in the Goblin sanctuary?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Digues, com és que no ets al Santuari Goblin?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:76 msgid "i wans tu leaf weth hoomankind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "voll vruire amp els homans."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:78 msgid "Many people are afraid of goblins, you know." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hi ha molta gent que té por dels goblins, ja ho saps."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:80 msgid "george is hoomankind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "george és humà."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:82 msgid "Ah, I see. Good luck to you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ho entenc. Què tinguis bona sort."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:87 msgid "So what's with that Goblin Sanctuary place?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "I què passa amb el Santuari Goblin aquest?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:89 msgid "they ar BAD. they can oonly anderstund ONE theng." -msgstr "" +msgstr "són dolenps. noméees antenent UNA crosa."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:91 msgid "And just what thing is that? I may need to know this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "I quina cosa és? Potser em cal saber-ho."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:93 msgid "voilense. too summon mog yoo mus KILL many guuards." -msgstr "" +msgstr "violensia. per convocrar mog hast de MATAR moolps guardries."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:95 msgid "Ah. I'm not entirely sure who Mog is but..uh thanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah. No tinc gaire clar qui és en Mog... bé, gràcies."
@@ -6324,59 +6324,59 @@
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:68 msgid "Ask the Goblin guard to let you in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li al guàrdia Goblin que et deixi entrar"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:69 msgid "Incite an 'incident'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Incita un «incident»"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:76 msgid "Greetings my good fellow! May I enter your fine establishment?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Salut company! Podria entrar al vostre preciós establiment?"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:78 msgid "hmm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "hmm."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:87 msgid "hmm.. are yoo joon?? coom beck lader! too erly" -msgstr "" +msgstr "hmm... ets ent joon?? trorna desprers! massa aviad"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:95 msgid "ashee yoo hav bough. GATS OPAN!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "veitx que tents arc. PRORTES ORBRE!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:108 msgid "erga hoomans NOT heenter! leev!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "les hoomas NO entrent! martxa!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:110 msgid "Oh come on, let me in!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Va home, deixa'm entrar!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:112 msgid "no bow?!!! un not joon! leev!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "no arc?!! i nots jooon! martxa!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:118 msgid "Say. So how 'bout that war of '23? You guys got beat back pretty hard." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolta. Com va anar la guerra del '23? Us fan fotre una bona pallissa."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:120 msgid "yoo ar engerang meee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "m'estars enfadand!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:122 msgid "I mean, King Daniel basically crushed you all like tiny bugs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vull dir, que el Rei Daniel bàsicament us va esclafar com a escarbats minúsculs."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:124 msgid "reechard!?? yoo wheel bey daying now!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "reetxard!?? ara mordiràaas!"
#: Story/S3-GSIGN.c:3 msgid "welkam to george huse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Benvengud a calt george"
@@ -6500,31 +6500,31 @@ #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:13 #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:30 msgid "Hey, uhh ... where did everyone go?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, uhh... On ha anat tothom?"
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:15 msgid "The parade's over already man." -msgstr "" +msgstr "S'ha acabat la desfilada tio."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:17 msgid "Everyone took off." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tothom se n'ha anat."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:19 msgid "That quick?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tant depresa?!?"
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:21 msgid "I don't know man, I just work here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No ho se tio, només treballo aquí."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:32 msgid "I already told you buddy, they left." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja t'ho he dit tio, se n'han anat."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:34 msgid "What are you, some kind of freak?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què ets, una mena de friqui?"
@@ -6635,99 +6635,99 @@
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:107 msgid "Say hello" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Saluda"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:108 msgid "Show him the scroll with the plans" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ensenya-li el pergamí amb els plans"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:114 msgid "Hello Mayor, how's it going?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hola Alcalde, què tal?"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:116 msgid "Pretty good fair citizen." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Força bé ciutadà."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:118 msgid "Hey, that's just great." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, això és genial."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:123 msgid "I've got your proof mayor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Us he portat la prova Alcalde."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:125 msgid "They plan to slaughter the entire city." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Planegen esclafar la ciutat sencera."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:127 msgid "Oh my god, this attack would destroy our defenses!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oh Déu meu. Aquest atac destruiria les nostres defenses!"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:129 msgid "I can't believe they would attack us like this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No em puc creure que ens vulguin atacar així."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:131 msgid "Now will you call the Guard?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ara cridareu a la Guàrdia?"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:133 msgid "Yes, I just hope they can get here in time..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí. Només espero que arribin a temps..."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:8 msgid "All this killing and still no answers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tots aquests morts i encara no hi ha cap resposta."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:16 msgid "Who dares wake the mighty Mog, king of Goblins?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qui gosa despertar el poderós Mog, rei dels Goblins?"
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:18 msgid "What's this? You have learned our tongue well, Mog." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què és això? Has aprés bé la nostra llengua, Mog."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:20 msgid "Of course. I was raised by.. what is this? My comrades litter the ground!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "És clar. Vaig ser educat per... Què és això? Els meus camarades embruten el terra?"
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:22 msgid "It was I who fell them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "He estat jo qui els ha vençut."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:26 msgid "You? YOU? I MUST AVENGE MY BROTHERS!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tu? TU? VENJARÉ ELS MEUS GERMANS!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:17 msgid "Isn't this wonderful?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No et sembla preciós?"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:20 msgid "Not a very long parade was it..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No ha estat una desfilada gaire llarga..."
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:22 msgid "This was even better than last year!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha estat encara millor que l'any passat!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:25 msgid "What a great parade!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha estat una parada fantàstica!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:38 msgid "Help! This man is going crazy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ajuda! Aquest home s'ha tornat boig!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:41 msgid "Guards!!! Over here!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Guàrdies!! Aquí!!!"
@@ -6783,7 +6783,7 @@
#: Story/S3-SIGN7.c:3 msgid "Goblin Sanctuary - Humans keep out to avoid incidents." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Santuari Gobilns - Humans, allunyeu-vos per evitar incidents."
@@ -6969,19 +6969,19 @@
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:25 msgid "That hurts and all, but you could be doing much more damage with a bow!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí que fa mal, però faries molt més mal amb un arc!"
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:32 msgid "Well, despite the highway robbery, I'd like to get a bow." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, malgrat que ho considero una estafa, agafaré un arc."
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:47 msgid "I'm sorry sir, but you DON'T have enough gold!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho sento senyor, però NO teniu prou diners!"
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:49 msgid "Whoops, sorry about that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostres, ho sento."
@@ -7069,43 +7069,43 @@
#: Story/S3-TC.c:253 msgid "Dink, Dink, over here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dink, Dink, aquí."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:256 msgid "Isn't it just beautiful?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No et sembla preciós?"
#: Story/S3-TC.c:259 msgid "Yup, it's a parade allright." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, és una bona desfilada"
#: Story/S3-TC.c:261 msgid "A lot of people too, I shudder at what could've happened." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha vingut molta gent. Tremolo de pensar en el que podria haver passat."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:263 msgid "You really saved the town Dink..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Has salvat la ciutat Dink..."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:265 msgid "I'm really proud of you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Estic orgullosa de tu."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:267 msgid "Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gràcies, però no ho hauria pogut fer sense tu."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:269 msgid "Well I have to be going, I have to meet with my father." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, me n'he d'anar, he de trobar-me amb el meu pare."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:271 msgid "Take care Dink, I hope I'll see you again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ves amb compte Dink, espero tornar-te a veure."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:284 msgid "Oh, you will baby, you will..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah, ho faràs nena, ho faràs..."
@@ -7269,19 +7269,19 @@
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:17 msgid "AHHHHH!!!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AHHHHH!!!!!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:26 msgid "AHHHHH!!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AHHHHH!!!!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:37 msgid "What the hell?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què diantre?!?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:39 msgid "Sorry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho sento."
@@ -7298,87 +7298,87 @@
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:63 msgid "I'm done talking to you, I have more important things to worry about." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja en tinc prou de parlar amb tu. Tinc coses més importants de les que preocupar-me."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:65 msgid "Hmmm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hmmm."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:72 msgid "Ask what's up" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li què passa"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:73 msgid "Ask about the town" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pregunta-li pel poble"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:78 msgid "Hey, uh thanks for that fireball!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, eh gràcies per la bola de foc!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:79 msgid "What the hell's wrong with you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què carai et passa?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:81 msgid "I .. I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho... Ho sento. Em pensava que erets algú altre."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:83 msgid "Like who?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com ara qui?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:85 msgid "Like maybe another raider coming for my food." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com ara un altre saquejador que ve a buscar el meu menjar."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:86 msgid "I have to defend myself." -msgstr "" +msgstr "M'he de defensar."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:88 msgid "This town is messed up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquest poble està perduda."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:94 msgid "So, what's with the town here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolta, què hi passa a aquest poble?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:96 msgid "We, we all worship the duck here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nosaltres, tots adorem l'ànec aquí."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:99 msgid "Ok, I'm gonna turn back towards you ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'acord, ara em giraré d'esquena..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:100 msgid "and you're gonna give a normal answer this time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "i em donaràs una resposta normal aquest cop."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:102 msgid "Ready ...." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prepat..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:105 msgid "We all worship the duck here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tots adorem l'ànec aquí."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:107 msgid "Yeah ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:108 msgid "Is this some kind of religion?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "És una mena de religió?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:110 msgid "Yes, we give all and owe all to the duck." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, ho donem tot ho devem tot a l'ànec."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:112 msgid "Well okay then, I'll ... I'll get back to you on that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, d'acord, llavors, Ja... Ja en tornarem a parlar."
@@ -7526,35 +7526,35 @@
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:17 msgid "Who's there?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qui hi ha?"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:19 msgid "My name's Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Em dic Dink."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:21 msgid "Never mind that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No m'importa això."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:22 msgid "Do you have food?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TEns menjar?"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:24 msgid "Nope ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No..."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:26 msgid "I need food!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Necessito menjar!"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:28 msgid "Sorry ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Em sap greu..."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:30 msgid "Then go away!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doncs ves-te'n!!"
@@ -7606,23 +7606,23 @@
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:26 msgid "Go away." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ves-te'n."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:30 msgid "I hate you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "T'odio."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:34 msgid "Noooooooo!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Noooooooo!!"
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:38 msgid "You can't get in." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No pots entrar."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:42 msgid "Leave me alone." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deixa'm sol."
@@ -7643,19 +7643,19 @@
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:14 msgid "Hear ye, hear ye ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolteu, escolteu..."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:15 msgid "By order of our great ducks the monthly tax shall be doubled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Per ordre del gran ànec la tasca mensual s'ha doblat."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:16 msgid "This also applies to food donations." -msgstr "" +msgstr "També s'aplica a les donacions de menjar."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:17 msgid "Long live the ducks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Llarga vida als ànecs."
@@ -7671,35 +7671,35 @@
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:42 msgid "Sell an item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ven una cosa"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:47 msgid "How's things been here lately?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com han anat les coses per aquí darrerament?"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:49 msgid "Oh just fine sir, thanks for asking." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah força bé, gràcies per preguntar."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:53 msgid "Those ducks are our friends and keepers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquests ànecs són els nostres amics i cuidadors"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:54 msgid "they've given us all we have today." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ens han donat tot els que tenim avui."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:56 msgid "Okay, that's the weirdest statement I think I've heard today." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'acord. És la frase més estranya que he sentit avui."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:58 msgid "Be kind to the ducks in this town." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sigues gentil amb els ànecs en aquest poble."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:60 msgid "Sure, no problem." -msgstr "" +msgstr "És clar, cap problema."
@@ -8618,7 +8618,7 @@
#: Story/S7-MIL.c:129 msgid "aaargh.." -msgstr "" +msgstr "aaargh..."
@@ -9097,11 +9097,11 @@
#: Story/en-gmog.c:58 msgid "Please..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Si us plau..."
#: Story/en-gmog.c:60 msgid "I will tell you where the secret Cast camp is..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Et diré on és el camp secret del Cast..." ______________________________**_________________ GNOME mailing list GNOME@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/**mailman/listinfo/gnome<http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome> ______________________________**_________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/**wiki/Codi_de_conducta<http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta>
-- FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch AKA: Robert Buj
University master's degree programme in Information Technology Security, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Computer Engineering, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Free Software, UOC (present) Postgraduate Master's degree in Microsoft .NET Solutions, UOC Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite, Celoxica Ltd. Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze, UAM Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UOC/UDL/URJC Advanced-level training cycle in computer software engineering, Les Heures - Technical academy English course, The school of languages, UOC (present)
ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font! de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht! en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code! es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente!
gpg fingerprint = 519C 3F59 DB1F B31A 545F 9874 DF78 DB0C 163C 5913
-- FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch AKA: Robert Buj
University master's degree programme in Information Technology Security, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Computer Engineering, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Free Software, UOC (present) Postgraduate Master's degree in Microsoft .NET Solutions, UOC Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite, Celoxica Ltd. Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze, UAM Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UOC/UDL/URJC Advanced-level training cycle in computer software engineering, Les Heures - Technical academy English course, The school of languages, UOC (present)
ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font! de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht! en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code! es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente!
gpg fingerprint = 519C 3F59 DB1F B31A 545F 9874 DF78 DB0C 163C 5913
-- FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch AKA: Robert Buj University master's degree programme in Information Technology Security, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Computer Engineering, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Free Software, UOC (present) Postgraduate Master's degree in Microsoft .NET Solutions, UOC Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite, Celoxica Ltd. Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze, UAM Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UOC/UDL/URJC Advanced-level training cycle in computer software engineering, Les Heures - Technical academy English course, The school of languages, UOC (present) ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font! de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht! en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code! es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente! gpg fingerprint = 519C 3F59 DB1F B31A 545F 9874 DF78 DB0C 163C 5913

I will tell you where the secret Cast camp is... Et diré on és l'amagatall secret del campament... On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 7:53 PM, Robert Antoni <robert.buj@gmail.com> wrote:
We all worship the duck here. Aquí tots nosaltres tractem l'ànec com una divinitat.
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Robert Antoni <robert.buj@gmail.com>wrote:
I will tell you where the secret Cast camp is... Et diré on és el campament secret del llançament...
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 7:24 PM, Robert Antoni <robert.buj@gmail.com>wrote:
Who's there? Qui hi ha allí?
By order of our great ducks the monthly tax shall be doubled A petició dels nostres ànecs extraordinaris l'impost mensual hauria de doblar-se.
This also applies to food donations. Això també s'aplica a les donacions alimentàries.
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 6:40 PM, mecatxis <mecatxis@gmail.com> wrote:
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ #: Story/ITEM-B1.c:92 #: Story/ITEM-B2.c:92 msgid "* POWER SHOT *" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* TRET POTENT *"
@@ -471,11 +471,11 @@
#: Story/KING.c:119 msgid "You must hurry, Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "T'has d'afanyar, Dink."
#: Story/KING.c:126 msgid "Hello, Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hola, Dink."
@@ -4839,7 +4839,7 @@
#: Story/S2-MDOOR.c:13 msgid "This looks like the place, but it's locked." -msgstr "Sembla el lloc adecuat, però està tancat." +msgstr "Sembla el lloc adequat, però està tancat."
@@ -5805,63 +5805,63 @@
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:42 msgid "This must be it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha de ser això!"
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:43 msgid "I have to make it into that tent." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha de ser dins la tenda."
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:52 msgid "Here goes nothing..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquí no hi ha res..."
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:62 msgid "Gotta run!! Gotta run!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "He de córrer!! He de córrer!!"
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:65 msgid "Hey!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hei!!"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:61 msgid "Man, that was close!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tio, ha anat de poc!"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:63 msgid "It looks like this scroll might just be the proof I need." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sembla que aquest pergamí és justament la prova que necessito."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:73 msgid "Not so fast ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No tant depressa..."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:74 msgid "Ha Ha Haaa" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha Ha Haaa"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:80 msgid "Looks like you have trouble learning, small one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sembla que tens problemes per aprendre, petitó."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:82 msgid "I thought I told you to stay away from us." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Crec que et vaig dir que no et fiquessis al nostre camí."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:84 msgid "Yeah well, my foot still has an appointment with you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, bé. Els meus peus encara tenen un cita amb vosaltres."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:86 msgid "What do you freaks want with town anyway?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què coi hi voleu amb la ciutat, vosaltres?"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:88 msgid "Our business doesn't need to be told to the dead.." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No n'hem de parlar dels nostres negocis amb els morts..."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:90 msgid "Finish him." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Acabeu amb ell."
@@ -6094,7 +6094,7 @@
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:55 msgid "This parade is gonna rule!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquesta desfilada molarà!!!"
@@ -6200,119 +6200,119 @@
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:147 msgid "Soooo ... didn't see you at the parade." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doncs ... No us hi he vist a la desfilada."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:149 msgid "Oh .. hehe .. yeah, I uhh ... I ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah... hehe... Sí, he... emm He..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:151 msgid "one of the ducks got sick, and well .. we couldn't perform." -msgstr "" +msgstr "s'ha posat malalt un ànec, i bé... No hem pogut sortir."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:156 msgid "I'm sure. That's too bad, after all that practice." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ho entenc. Què malament, després de practicar tant."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:158 msgid "Well hey, don't worry ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé ei, no hi pateixis..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:160 msgid "we're practicing for next year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "estem practicant per l'any que bé."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:162 msgid "Aww man..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostres tio..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:166 msgid "Note to self: Don't come here next year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nota mental: No venir l'any vinent."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:21 msgid "heeloo, freen. We kan took tegether?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Holaaa, amig. Poddem parlart junts?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:33 msgid "osh! Puheaze hooman! We chan bey freens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aix! Si us praul homen! prodem sert amigs!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:36 msgid "doon hort meeee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nom fassis maalt!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:39 msgid "i won oose vilens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No faitx violensia!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:48 msgid "Let that be a clear message to his people. Haw!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fem que sigui un missatge clar per la seva gent. Yea!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:56 msgid "Ask the Goblin's name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li al Goblin com es diu."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:57 msgid "Ask what he is doing way out here" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li que hi fa aquí fora"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:58 msgid "Ask about the Goblin Sanctuary" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li pel Santuari Goblin"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:64 msgid "What is your name, Goblin?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com et dius, Goblin?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:66 msgid "my nam is george. whe kin bey gud frins?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "me diic geroge. pudiriem sert bonus amigs?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:68 msgid "I don't understand a thing you're saying." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No entenc res del que dius."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:74 msgid "Say, why aren't you in the Goblin sanctuary?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Digues, com és que no ets al Santuari Goblin?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:76 msgid "i wans tu leaf weth hoomankind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "voll vruire amp els homans."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:78 msgid "Many people are afraid of goblins, you know." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hi ha molta gent que té por dels goblins, ja ho saps."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:80 msgid "george is hoomankind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "george és humà."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:82 msgid "Ah, I see. Good luck to you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ho entenc. Què tinguis bona sort."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:87 msgid "So what's with that Goblin Sanctuary place?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "I què passa amb el Santuari Goblin aquest?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:89 msgid "they ar BAD. they can oonly anderstund ONE theng." -msgstr "" +msgstr "són dolenps. noméees antenent UNA crosa."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:91 msgid "And just what thing is that? I may need to know this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "I quina cosa és? Potser em cal saber-ho."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:93 msgid "voilense. too summon mog yoo mus KILL many guuards." -msgstr "" +msgstr "violensia. per convocrar mog hast de MATAR moolps guardries."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:95 msgid "Ah. I'm not entirely sure who Mog is but..uh thanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah. No tinc gaire clar qui és en Mog... bé, gràcies."
@@ -6324,59 +6324,59 @@
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:68 msgid "Ask the Goblin guard to let you in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li al guàrdia Goblin que et deixi entrar"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:69 msgid "Incite an 'incident'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Incita un «incident»"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:76 msgid "Greetings my good fellow! May I enter your fine establishment?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Salut company! Podria entrar al vostre preciós establiment?"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:78 msgid "hmm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "hmm."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:87 msgid "hmm.. are yoo joon?? coom beck lader! too erly" -msgstr "" +msgstr "hmm... ets ent joon?? trorna desprers! massa aviad"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:95 msgid "ashee yoo hav bough. GATS OPAN!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "veitx que tents arc. PRORTES ORBRE!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:108 msgid "erga hoomans NOT heenter! leev!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "les hoomas NO entrent! martxa!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:110 msgid "Oh come on, let me in!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Va home, deixa'm entrar!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:112 msgid "no bow?!!! un not joon! leev!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "no arc?!! i nots jooon! martxa!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:118 msgid "Say. So how 'bout that war of '23? You guys got beat back pretty hard." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolta. Com va anar la guerra del '23? Us fan fotre una bona pallissa."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:120 msgid "yoo ar engerang meee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "m'estars enfadand!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:122 msgid "I mean, King Daniel basically crushed you all like tiny bugs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vull dir, que el Rei Daniel bàsicament us va esclafar com a escarbats minúsculs."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:124 msgid "reechard!?? yoo wheel bey daying now!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "reetxard!?? ara mordiràaas!"
#: Story/S3-GSIGN.c:3 msgid "welkam to george huse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Benvengud a calt george"
@@ -6500,31 +6500,31 @@ #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:13 #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:30 msgid "Hey, uhh ... where did everyone go?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, uhh... On ha anat tothom?"
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:15 msgid "The parade's over already man." -msgstr "" +msgstr "S'ha acabat la desfilada tio."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:17 msgid "Everyone took off." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tothom se n'ha anat."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:19 msgid "That quick?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tant depresa?!?"
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:21 msgid "I don't know man, I just work here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No ho se tio, només treballo aquí."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:32 msgid "I already told you buddy, they left." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja t'ho he dit tio, se n'han anat."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:34 msgid "What are you, some kind of freak?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què ets, una mena de friqui?"
@@ -6635,99 +6635,99 @@
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:107 msgid "Say hello" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Saluda"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:108 msgid "Show him the scroll with the plans" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ensenya-li el pergamí amb els plans"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:114 msgid "Hello Mayor, how's it going?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hola Alcalde, què tal?"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:116 msgid "Pretty good fair citizen." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Força bé ciutadà."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:118 msgid "Hey, that's just great." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, això és genial."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:123 msgid "I've got your proof mayor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Us he portat la prova Alcalde."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:125 msgid "They plan to slaughter the entire city." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Planegen esclafar la ciutat sencera."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:127 msgid "Oh my god, this attack would destroy our defenses!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oh Déu meu. Aquest atac destruiria les nostres defenses!"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:129 msgid "I can't believe they would attack us like this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No em puc creure que ens vulguin atacar així."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:131 msgid "Now will you call the Guard?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ara cridareu a la Guàrdia?"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:133 msgid "Yes, I just hope they can get here in time..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí. Només espero que arribin a temps..."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:8 msgid "All this killing and still no answers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tots aquests morts i encara no hi ha cap resposta."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:16 msgid "Who dares wake the mighty Mog, king of Goblins?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qui gosa despertar el poderós Mog, rei dels Goblins?"
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:18 msgid "What's this? You have learned our tongue well, Mog." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què és això? Has aprés bé la nostra llengua, Mog."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:20 msgid "Of course. I was raised by.. what is this? My comrades litter the ground!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "És clar. Vaig ser educat per... Què és això? Els meus camarades embruten el terra?"
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:22 msgid "It was I who fell them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "He estat jo qui els ha vençut."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:26 msgid "You? YOU? I MUST AVENGE MY BROTHERS!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tu? TU? VENJARÉ ELS MEUS GERMANS!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:17 msgid "Isn't this wonderful?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No et sembla preciós?"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:20 msgid "Not a very long parade was it..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No ha estat una desfilada gaire llarga..."
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:22 msgid "This was even better than last year!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha estat encara millor que l'any passat!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:25 msgid "What a great parade!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha estat una parada fantàstica!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:38 msgid "Help! This man is going crazy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ajuda! Aquest home s'ha tornat boig!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:41 msgid "Guards!!! Over here!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Guàrdies!! Aquí!!!"
@@ -6783,7 +6783,7 @@
#: Story/S3-SIGN7.c:3 msgid "Goblin Sanctuary - Humans keep out to avoid incidents." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Santuari Gobilns - Humans, allunyeu-vos per evitar incidents."
@@ -6969,19 +6969,19 @@
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:25 msgid "That hurts and all, but you could be doing much more damage with a bow!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí que fa mal, però faries molt més mal amb un arc!"
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:32 msgid "Well, despite the highway robbery, I'd like to get a bow." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, malgrat que ho considero una estafa, agafaré un arc."
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:47 msgid "I'm sorry sir, but you DON'T have enough gold!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho sento senyor, però NO teniu prou diners!"
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:49 msgid "Whoops, sorry about that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostres, ho sento."
@@ -7069,43 +7069,43 @@
#: Story/S3-TC.c:253 msgid "Dink, Dink, over here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dink, Dink, aquí."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:256 msgid "Isn't it just beautiful?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No et sembla preciós?"
#: Story/S3-TC.c:259 msgid "Yup, it's a parade allright." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, és una bona desfilada"
#: Story/S3-TC.c:261 msgid "A lot of people too, I shudder at what could've happened." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha vingut molta gent. Tremolo de pensar en el que podria haver passat."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:263 msgid "You really saved the town Dink..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Has salvat la ciutat Dink..."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:265 msgid "I'm really proud of you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Estic orgullosa de tu."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:267 msgid "Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gràcies, però no ho hauria pogut fer sense tu."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:269 msgid "Well I have to be going, I have to meet with my father." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, me n'he d'anar, he de trobar-me amb el meu pare."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:271 msgid "Take care Dink, I hope I'll see you again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ves amb compte Dink, espero tornar-te a veure."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:284 msgid "Oh, you will baby, you will..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah, ho faràs nena, ho faràs..."
@@ -7269,19 +7269,19 @@
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:17 msgid "AHHHHH!!!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AHHHHH!!!!!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:26 msgid "AHHHHH!!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AHHHHH!!!!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:37 msgid "What the hell?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què diantre?!?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:39 msgid "Sorry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho sento."
@@ -7298,87 +7298,87 @@
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:63 msgid "I'm done talking to you, I have more important things to worry about." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja en tinc prou de parlar amb tu. Tinc coses més importants de les que preocupar-me."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:65 msgid "Hmmm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hmmm."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:72 msgid "Ask what's up" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li què passa"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:73 msgid "Ask about the town" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pregunta-li pel poble"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:78 msgid "Hey, uh thanks for that fireball!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, eh gràcies per la bola de foc!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:79 msgid "What the hell's wrong with you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què carai et passa?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:81 msgid "I .. I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho... Ho sento. Em pensava que erets algú altre."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:83 msgid "Like who?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com ara qui?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:85 msgid "Like maybe another raider coming for my food." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com ara un altre saquejador que ve a buscar el meu menjar."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:86 msgid "I have to defend myself." -msgstr "" +msgstr "M'he de defensar."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:88 msgid "This town is messed up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquest poble està perduda."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:94 msgid "So, what's with the town here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolta, què hi passa a aquest poble?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:96 msgid "We, we all worship the duck here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nosaltres, tots adorem l'ànec aquí."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:99 msgid "Ok, I'm gonna turn back towards you ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'acord, ara em giraré d'esquena..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:100 msgid "and you're gonna give a normal answer this time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "i em donaràs una resposta normal aquest cop."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:102 msgid "Ready ...." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prepat..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:105 msgid "We all worship the duck here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tots adorem l'ànec aquí."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:107 msgid "Yeah ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:108 msgid "Is this some kind of religion?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "És una mena de religió?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:110 msgid "Yes, we give all and owe all to the duck." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, ho donem tot ho devem tot a l'ànec."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:112 msgid "Well okay then, I'll ... I'll get back to you on that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, d'acord, llavors, Ja... Ja en tornarem a parlar."
@@ -7526,35 +7526,35 @@
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:17 msgid "Who's there?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qui hi ha?"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:19 msgid "My name's Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Em dic Dink."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:21 msgid "Never mind that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No m'importa això."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:22 msgid "Do you have food?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TEns menjar?"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:24 msgid "Nope ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No..."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:26 msgid "I need food!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Necessito menjar!"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:28 msgid "Sorry ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Em sap greu..."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:30 msgid "Then go away!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doncs ves-te'n!!"
@@ -7606,23 +7606,23 @@
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:26 msgid "Go away." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ves-te'n."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:30 msgid "I hate you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "T'odio."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:34 msgid "Noooooooo!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Noooooooo!!"
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:38 msgid "You can't get in." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No pots entrar."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:42 msgid "Leave me alone." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deixa'm sol."
@@ -7643,19 +7643,19 @@
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:14 msgid "Hear ye, hear ye ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolteu, escolteu..."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:15 msgid "By order of our great ducks the monthly tax shall be doubled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Per ordre del gran ànec la tasca mensual s'ha doblat."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:16 msgid "This also applies to food donations." -msgstr "" +msgstr "També s'aplica a les donacions de menjar."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:17 msgid "Long live the ducks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Llarga vida als ànecs."
@@ -7671,35 +7671,35 @@
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:42 msgid "Sell an item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ven una cosa"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:47 msgid "How's things been here lately?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com han anat les coses per aquí darrerament?"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:49 msgid "Oh just fine sir, thanks for asking." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah força bé, gràcies per preguntar."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:53 msgid "Those ducks are our friends and keepers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquests ànecs són els nostres amics i cuidadors"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:54 msgid "they've given us all we have today." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ens han donat tot els que tenim avui."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:56 msgid "Okay, that's the weirdest statement I think I've heard today." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'acord. És la frase més estranya que he sentit avui."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:58 msgid "Be kind to the ducks in this town." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sigues gentil amb els ànecs en aquest poble."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:60 msgid "Sure, no problem." -msgstr "" +msgstr "És clar, cap problema."
@@ -8618,7 +8618,7 @@
#: Story/S7-MIL.c:129 msgid "aaargh.." -msgstr "" +msgstr "aaargh..."
@@ -9097,11 +9097,11 @@
#: Story/en-gmog.c:58 msgid "Please..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Si us plau..."
#: Story/en-gmog.c:60 msgid "I will tell you where the secret Cast camp is..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Et diré on és el camp secret del Cast..." ______________________________**_________________ GNOME mailing list GNOME@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/**mailman/listinfo/gnome<http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome> ______________________________**_________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/**wiki/Codi_de_conducta<http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta>
-- FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch AKA: Robert Buj
University master's degree programme in Information Technology Security, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Computer Engineering, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Free Software, UOC (present) Postgraduate Master's degree in Microsoft .NET Solutions, UOC Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite, Celoxica Ltd. Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze, UAM Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UOC/UDL/URJC Advanced-level training cycle in computer software engineering, Les Heures - Technical academy English course, The school of languages, UOC (present)
ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font! de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht! en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code! es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente!
gpg fingerprint = 519C 3F59 DB1F B31A 545F 9874 DF78 DB0C 163C 5913
-- FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch AKA: Robert Buj
University master's degree programme in Information Technology Security, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Computer Engineering, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Free Software, UOC (present) Postgraduate Master's degree in Microsoft .NET Solutions, UOC Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite, Celoxica Ltd. Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze, UAM Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UOC/UDL/URJC Advanced-level training cycle in computer software engineering, Les Heures - Technical academy English course, The school of languages, UOC (present)
ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font! de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht! en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code! es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente!
gpg fingerprint = 519C 3F59 DB1F B31A 545F 9874 DF78 DB0C 163C 5913
-- FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch AKA: Robert Buj
University master's degree programme in Information Technology Security, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Computer Engineering, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Free Software, UOC (present) Postgraduate Master's degree in Microsoft .NET Solutions, UOC Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite, Celoxica Ltd. Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze, UAM Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UOC/UDL/URJC Advanced-level training cycle in computer software engineering, Les Heures - Technical academy English course, The school of languages, UOC (present)
ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font! de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht! en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code! es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente!
gpg fingerprint = 519C 3F59 DB1F B31A 545F 9874 DF78 DB0C 163C 5913
-- FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch AKA: Robert Buj University master's degree programme in Information Technology Security, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Computer Engineering, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Free Software, UOC (present) Postgraduate Master's degree in Microsoft .NET Solutions, UOC Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite, Celoxica Ltd. Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze, UAM Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UOC/UDL/URJC Advanced-level training cycle in computer software engineering, Les Heures - Technical academy English course, The school of languages, UOC (present) ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font! de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht! en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code! es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente! gpg fingerprint = 519C 3F59 DB1F B31A 545F 9874 DF78 DB0C 163C 5913

Glubs! No anava a aquesta llista, però gràcies. Sóc l'Àngel Mompó de Catux i és una traducció per GNU. El 30/12/2012 19:24, "Robert Antoni" <robert.buj@gmail.com> escribió:
Who's there? Qui hi ha allí?
By order of our great ducks the monthly tax shall be doubled A petició dels nostres ànecs extraordinaris l'impost mensual hauria de doblar-se.
This also applies to food donations. Això també s'aplica a les donacions alimentàries.
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 6:40 PM, mecatxis <mecatxis@gmail.com> wrote:
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ #: Story/ITEM-B1.c:92 #: Story/ITEM-B2.c:92 msgid "* POWER SHOT *" -msgstr "" +msgstr "* TRET POTENT *"
@@ -471,11 +471,11 @@
#: Story/KING.c:119 msgid "You must hurry, Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "T'has d'afanyar, Dink."
#: Story/KING.c:126 msgid "Hello, Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hola, Dink."
@@ -4839,7 +4839,7 @@
#: Story/S2-MDOOR.c:13 msgid "This looks like the place, but it's locked." -msgstr "Sembla el lloc adecuat, però està tancat." +msgstr "Sembla el lloc adequat, però està tancat."
@@ -5805,63 +5805,63 @@
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:42 msgid "This must be it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha de ser això!"
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:43 msgid "I have to make it into that tent." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha de ser dins la tenda."
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:52 msgid "Here goes nothing..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquí no hi ha res..."
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:62 msgid "Gotta run!! Gotta run!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "He de córrer!! He de córrer!!"
#: Story/S3-CAMP.c:65 msgid "Hey!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hei!!"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:61 msgid "Man, that was close!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tio, ha anat de poc!"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:63 msgid "It looks like this scroll might just be the proof I need." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sembla que aquest pergamí és justament la prova que necessito."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:73 msgid "Not so fast ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No tant depressa..."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:74 msgid "Ha Ha Haaa" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha Ha Haaa"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:80 msgid "Looks like you have trouble learning, small one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sembla que tens problemes per aprendre, petitó."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:82 msgid "I thought I told you to stay away from us." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Crec que et vaig dir que no et fiquessis al nostre camí."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:84 msgid "Yeah well, my foot still has an appointment with you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, bé. Els meus peus encara tenen un cita amb vosaltres."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:86 msgid "What do you freaks want with town anyway?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què coi hi voleu amb la ciutat, vosaltres?"
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:88 msgid "Our business doesn't need to be told to the dead.." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No n'hem de parlar dels nostres negocis amb els morts..."
#: Story/S3-CAMPS.c:90 msgid "Finish him." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Acabeu amb ell."
@@ -6094,7 +6094,7 @@
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:55 msgid "This parade is gonna rule!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquesta desfilada molarà!!!"
@@ -6200,119 +6200,119 @@
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:147 msgid "Soooo ... didn't see you at the parade." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doncs ... No us hi he vist a la desfilada."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:149 msgid "Oh .. hehe .. yeah, I uhh ... I ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah... hehe... Sí, he... emm He..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:151 msgid "one of the ducks got sick, and well .. we couldn't perform." -msgstr "" +msgstr "s'ha posat malalt un ànec, i bé... No hem pogut sortir."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:156 msgid "I'm sure. That's too bad, after all that practice." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ho entenc. Què malament, després de practicar tant."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:158 msgid "Well hey, don't worry ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé ei, no hi pateixis..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:160 msgid "we're practicing for next year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "estem practicant per l'any que bé."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:162 msgid "Aww man..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostres tio..."
#: Story/S3-FREAK.c:166 msgid "Note to self: Don't come here next year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nota mental: No venir l'any vinent."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:21 msgid "heeloo, freen. We kan took tegether?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Holaaa, amig. Poddem parlart junts?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:33 msgid "osh! Puheaze hooman! We chan bey freens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aix! Si us praul homen! prodem sert amigs!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:36 msgid "doon hort meeee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nom fassis maalt!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:39 msgid "i won oose vilens!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No faitx violensia!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:48 msgid "Let that be a clear message to his people. Haw!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fem que sigui un missatge clar per la seva gent. Yea!"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:56 msgid "Ask the Goblin's name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li al Goblin com es diu."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:57 msgid "Ask what he is doing way out here" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li que hi fa aquí fora"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:58 msgid "Ask about the Goblin Sanctuary" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li pel Santuari Goblin"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:64 msgid "What is your name, Goblin?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com et dius, Goblin?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:66 msgid "my nam is george. whe kin bey gud frins?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "me diic geroge. pudiriem sert bonus amigs?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:68 msgid "I don't understand a thing you're saying." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No entenc res del que dius."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:74 msgid "Say, why aren't you in the Goblin sanctuary?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Digues, com és que no ets al Santuari Goblin?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:76 msgid "i wans tu leaf weth hoomankind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "voll vruire amp els homans."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:78 msgid "Many people are afraid of goblins, you know." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hi ha molta gent que té por dels goblins, ja ho saps."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:80 msgid "george is hoomankind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "george és humà."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:82 msgid "Ah, I see. Good luck to you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ho entenc. Què tinguis bona sort."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:87 msgid "So what's with that Goblin Sanctuary place?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "I què passa amb el Santuari Goblin aquest?"
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:89 msgid "they ar BAD. they can oonly anderstund ONE theng." -msgstr "" +msgstr "són dolenps. noméees antenent UNA crosa."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:91 msgid "And just what thing is that? I may need to know this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "I quina cosa és? Potser em cal saber-ho."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:93 msgid "voilense. too summon mog yoo mus KILL many guuards." -msgstr "" +msgstr "violensia. per convocrar mog hast de MATAR moolps guardries."
#: Story/S3-GOB.c:95 msgid "Ah. I'm not entirely sure who Mog is but..uh thanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah. No tinc gaire clar qui és en Mog... bé, gràcies."
@@ -6324,59 +6324,59 @@
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:68 msgid "Ask the Goblin guard to let you in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li al guàrdia Goblin que et deixi entrar"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:69 msgid "Incite an 'incident'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Incita un «incident»"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:76 msgid "Greetings my good fellow! May I enter your fine establishment?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Salut company! Podria entrar al vostre preciós establiment?"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:78 msgid "hmm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "hmm."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:87 msgid "hmm.. are yoo joon?? coom beck lader! too erly" -msgstr "" +msgstr "hmm... ets ent joon?? trorna desprers! massa aviad"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:95 msgid "ashee yoo hav bough. GATS OPAN!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "veitx que tents arc. PRORTES ORBRE!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:108 msgid "erga hoomans NOT heenter! leev!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "les hoomas NO entrent! martxa!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:110 msgid "Oh come on, let me in!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Va home, deixa'm entrar!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:112 msgid "no bow?!!! un not joon! leev!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "no arc?!! i nots jooon! martxa!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:118 msgid "Say. So how 'bout that war of '23? You guys got beat back pretty hard." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolta. Com va anar la guerra del '23? Us fan fotre una bona pallissa."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:120 msgid "yoo ar engerang meee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "m'estars enfadand!"
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:122 msgid "I mean, King Daniel basically crushed you all like tiny bugs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vull dir, que el Rei Daniel bàsicament us va esclafar com a escarbats minúsculs."
#: Story/S3-GOBG.c:124 msgid "reechard!?? yoo wheel bey daying now!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "reetxard!?? ara mordiràaas!"
#: Story/S3-GSIGN.c:3 msgid "welkam to george huse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Benvengud a calt george"
@@ -6500,31 +6500,31 @@ #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:13 #: Story/S3-LOSER.c:30 msgid "Hey, uhh ... where did everyone go?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, uhh... On ha anat tothom?"
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:15 msgid "The parade's over already man." -msgstr "" +msgstr "S'ha acabat la desfilada tio."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:17 msgid "Everyone took off." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tothom se n'ha anat."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:19 msgid "That quick?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tant depresa?!?"
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:21 msgid "I don't know man, I just work here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No ho se tio, només treballo aquí."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:32 msgid "I already told you buddy, they left." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja t'ho he dit tio, se n'han anat."
#: Story/S3-LOSER.c:34 msgid "What are you, some kind of freak?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què ets, una mena de friqui?"
@@ -6635,99 +6635,99 @@
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:107 msgid "Say hello" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Saluda"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:108 msgid "Show him the scroll with the plans" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ensenya-li el pergamí amb els plans"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:114 msgid "Hello Mayor, how's it going?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hola Alcalde, què tal?"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:116 msgid "Pretty good fair citizen." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Força bé ciutadà."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:118 msgid "Hey, that's just great." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, això és genial."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:123 msgid "I've got your proof mayor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Us he portat la prova Alcalde."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:125 msgid "They plan to slaughter the entire city." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Planegen esclafar la ciutat sencera."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:127 msgid "Oh my god, this attack would destroy our defenses!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oh Déu meu. Aquest atac destruiria les nostres defenses!"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:129 msgid "I can't believe they would attack us like this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No em puc creure que ens vulguin atacar així."
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:131 msgid "Now will you call the Guard?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ara cridareu a la Guàrdia?"
#: Story/S3-MAYOR.c:133 msgid "Yes, I just hope they can get here in time..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí. Només espero que arribin a temps..."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:8 msgid "All this killing and still no answers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tots aquests morts i encara no hi ha cap resposta."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:16 msgid "Who dares wake the mighty Mog, king of Goblins?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qui gosa despertar el poderós Mog, rei dels Goblins?"
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:18 msgid "What's this? You have learned our tongue well, Mog." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què és això? Has aprés bé la nostra llengua, Mog."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:20 msgid "Of course. I was raised by.. what is this? My comrades litter the ground!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "És clar. Vaig ser educat per... Què és això? Els meus camarades embruten el terra?"
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:22 msgid "It was I who fell them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "He estat jo qui els ha vençut."
#: Story/S3-MOG.c:26 msgid "You? YOU? I MUST AVENGE MY BROTHERS!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tu? TU? VENJARÉ ELS MEUS GERMANS!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:17 msgid "Isn't this wonderful?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No et sembla preciós?"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:20 msgid "Not a very long parade was it..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No ha estat una desfilada gaire llarga..."
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:22 msgid "This was even better than last year!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha estat encara millor que l'any passat!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:25 msgid "What a great parade!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha estat una parada fantàstica!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:38 msgid "Help! This man is going crazy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ajuda! Aquest home s'ha tornat boig!"
#: Story/S3-PEEPS.c:41 msgid "Guards!!! Over here!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Guàrdies!! Aquí!!!"
@@ -6783,7 +6783,7 @@
#: Story/S3-SIGN7.c:3 msgid "Goblin Sanctuary - Humans keep out to avoid incidents." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Santuari Gobilns - Humans, allunyeu-vos per evitar incidents."
@@ -6969,19 +6969,19 @@
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:25 msgid "That hurts and all, but you could be doing much more damage with a bow!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí que fa mal, però faries molt més mal amb un arc!"
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:32 msgid "Well, despite the highway robbery, I'd like to get a bow." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, malgrat que ho considero una estafa, agafaré un arc."
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:47 msgid "I'm sorry sir, but you DON'T have enough gold!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho sento senyor, però NO teniu prou diners!"
#: Story/S3-ST2P.c:49 msgid "Whoops, sorry about that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ostres, ho sento."
@@ -7069,43 +7069,43 @@
#: Story/S3-TC.c:253 msgid "Dink, Dink, over here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dink, Dink, aquí."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:256 msgid "Isn't it just beautiful?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "No et sembla preciós?"
#: Story/S3-TC.c:259 msgid "Yup, it's a parade allright." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, és una bona desfilada"
#: Story/S3-TC.c:261 msgid "A lot of people too, I shudder at what could've happened." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ha vingut molta gent. Tremolo de pensar en el que podria haver passat."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:263 msgid "You really saved the town Dink..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Has salvat la ciutat Dink..."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:265 msgid "I'm really proud of you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Estic orgullosa de tu."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:267 msgid "Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gràcies, però no ho hauria pogut fer sense tu."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:269 msgid "Well I have to be going, I have to meet with my father." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, me n'he d'anar, he de trobar-me amb el meu pare."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:271 msgid "Take care Dink, I hope I'll see you again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ves amb compte Dink, espero tornar-te a veure."
#: Story/S3-TC.c:284 msgid "Oh, you will baby, you will..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah, ho faràs nena, ho faràs..."
@@ -7269,19 +7269,19 @@
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:17 msgid "AHHHHH!!!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AHHHHH!!!!!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:26 msgid "AHHHHH!!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AHHHHH!!!!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:37 msgid "What the hell?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què diantre?!?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:39 msgid "Sorry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho sento."
@@ -7298,87 +7298,87 @@
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:63 msgid "I'm done talking to you, I have more important things to worry about." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja en tinc prou de parlar amb tu. Tinc coses més importants de les que preocupar-me."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:65 msgid "Hmmm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hmmm."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:72 msgid "Ask what's up" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Demana-li què passa"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:73 msgid "Ask about the town" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pregunta-li pel poble"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:78 msgid "Hey, uh thanks for that fireball!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ei, eh gràcies per la bola de foc!!"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:79 msgid "What the hell's wrong with you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Què carai et passa?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:81 msgid "I .. I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ho... Ho sento. Em pensava que erets algú altre."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:83 msgid "Like who?!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com ara qui?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:85 msgid "Like maybe another raider coming for my food." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com ara un altre saquejador que ve a buscar el meu menjar."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:86 msgid "I have to defend myself." -msgstr "" +msgstr "M'he de defensar."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:88 msgid "This town is messed up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquest poble està perduda."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:94 msgid "So, what's with the town here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolta, què hi passa a aquest poble?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:96 msgid "We, we all worship the duck here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nosaltres, tots adorem l'ànec aquí."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:99 msgid "Ok, I'm gonna turn back towards you ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'acord, ara em giraré d'esquena..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:100 msgid "and you're gonna give a normal answer this time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "i em donaràs una resposta normal aquest cop."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:102 msgid "Ready ...." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prepat..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:105 msgid "We all worship the duck here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tots adorem l'ànec aquí."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:107 msgid "Yeah ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja..."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:108 msgid "Is this some kind of religion?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "És una mena de religió?"
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:110 msgid "Yes, we give all and owe all to the duck." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sí, ho donem tot ho devem tot a l'ànec."
#: Story/S4-H1P.c:112 msgid "Well okay then, I'll ... I'll get back to you on that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bé, d'acord, llavors, Ja... Ja en tornarem a parlar."
@@ -7526,35 +7526,35 @@
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:17 msgid "Who's there?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Qui hi ha?"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:19 msgid "My name's Dink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Em dic Dink."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:21 msgid "Never mind that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No m'importa això."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:22 msgid "Do you have food?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TEns menjar?"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:24 msgid "Nope ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No..."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:26 msgid "I need food!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Necessito menjar!"
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:28 msgid "Sorry ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Em sap greu..."
#: Story/S4-MD2.c:30 msgid "Then go away!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Doncs ves-te'n!!"
@@ -7606,23 +7606,23 @@
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:26 msgid "Go away." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ves-te'n."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:30 msgid "I hate you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "T'odio."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:34 msgid "Noooooooo!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Noooooooo!!"
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:38 msgid "You can't get in." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No pots entrar."
#: Story/S4-MDOOR.c:42 msgid "Leave me alone." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deixa'm sol."
@@ -7643,19 +7643,19 @@
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:14 msgid "Hear ye, hear ye ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Escolteu, escolteu..."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:15 msgid "By order of our great ducks the monthly tax shall be doubled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Per ordre del gran ànec la tasca mensual s'ha doblat."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:16 msgid "This also applies to food donations." -msgstr "" +msgstr "També s'aplica a les donacions de menjar."
#: Story/S4-SIGN3.c:17 msgid "Long live the ducks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Llarga vida als ànecs."
@@ -7671,35 +7671,35 @@
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:42 msgid "Sell an item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ven una cosa"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:47 msgid "How's things been here lately?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Com han anat les coses per aquí darrerament?"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:49 msgid "Oh just fine sir, thanks for asking." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah força bé, gràcies per preguntar."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:53 msgid "Those ducks are our friends and keepers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aquests ànecs són els nostres amics i cuidadors"
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:54 msgid "they've given us all we have today." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ens han donat tot els que tenim avui."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:56 msgid "Okay, that's the weirdest statement I think I've heard today." -msgstr "" +msgstr "D'acord. És la frase més estranya que he sentit avui."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:58 msgid "Be kind to the ducks in this town." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sigues gentil amb els ànecs en aquest poble."
#: Story/S4-ST1P.c:60 msgid "Sure, no problem." -msgstr "" +msgstr "És clar, cap problema."
@@ -8618,7 +8618,7 @@
#: Story/S7-MIL.c:129 msgid "aaargh.." -msgstr "" +msgstr "aaargh..."
@@ -9097,11 +9097,11 @@
#: Story/en-gmog.c:58 msgid "Please..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Si us plau..."
#: Story/en-gmog.c:60 msgid "I will tell you where the secret Cast camp is..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Et diré on és el camp secret del Cast..." ______________________________**_________________ GNOME mailing list GNOME@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/**mailman/listinfo/gnome<http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome> ______________________________**_________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/**wiki/Codi_de_conducta<http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta>
-- FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch AKA: Robert Buj
University master's degree programme in Information Technology Security, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Computer Engineering, UOC (present) University master's degree programme in Free Software, UOC (present) Postgraduate Master's degree in Microsoft .NET Solutions, UOC Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite, Celoxica Ltd. Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze, UAM Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, UOC/UDL/URJC Advanced-level training cycle in computer software engineering, Les Heures - Technical academy English course, The school of languages, UOC (present)
ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font! de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht! en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code! es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente!
gpg fingerprint = 519C 3F59 DB1F B31A 545F 9874 DF78 DB0C 163C 5913
_______________________________________________ GNOME mailing list GNOME@llistes.softcatala.org http://llistes.softcatala.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome _______________________________________________ Codi de conducta: http://www.softcatala.org/wiki/Codi_de_conducta
participants (3)
Robert Antoni