[Corrector] Fwd: ANN: LanguageTool 2.6

Jaume Ortolà i Font jaumeortola a gmail.com
dll jun 30 14:49:36 CEST 2014

Ja tenim disponible la versió 2.6 de LanguageTool.

Jaume Ortolà

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Naber <daniel.naber a languagetool.org>
Date: 2014-06-30 14:45 GMT+02:00
Subject: ANN: LanguageTool 2.6
To: LanguageTool Developer List <languagetool-devel a lists.sourceforge.net>

I'm pleased to announce the release of LanguageTool 2.6. As usual, it is
available for download at http://www.languagetool.org. If you're using
the LibreOffice/OpenOffice add-on you can also make the update directly
from the extension manager (right mouse button -> Update).

Changes include:

* Many updates for the error detection rules for English, Breton,
Catalan, Esperanto, French, German, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, and Spanish.

* Improved configuration dialog

* Small rule syntax improvements

* Java API: removed deprecated methods

Please see http://www.languagetool.org/download/CHANGES.txt for a
complete list of changes.

MD5 sums:
ec9d296064d0d3131107e840638f58f4  LanguageTool-2.6.oxt
fff49dfd61e00fbd7c07d692b2a64065  LanguageTool-2.6.zip


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Languagetool-devel mailing list
Languagetool-devel a lists.sourceforge.net
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